Nothing and nobody bothering me.
I have a cozy little house with a chimney and a small garden, nestled between tall mountains and the ocean. The weather is always gentle but I have the option to control the weather based on my mood. This island is a shelter for some animals and plants.
Each morning, I rise early and set out to fish, drifting in my boat as I wait for the sun to rise. The cool breeze carries the scent of salt and waves lull me back to sleep for a bit. When I return, I spend some time tending to my garden, before finally cooking the fresh fish I caught. After I eat, I prepare myself to hike one of the mountains where I can find hidden falls and beaches. On my way up, I find my spirit guide which is a wolf, its been my earth guide via dreams. The wolf accompanies me for awhile before it disappears again. I see my favorite flower, cosmos, scattered across fields and forests on my way to these secluded areas. Once I reach either beach or waterfalls, I take a dive. The water then shows me earth memories from different life times. I come back up and sit on the soft earth. I watch the sunset before heading down. It's pitch black but the stars across the sky dances and twinkles lighting my path and my spirit guide accompanies me all the way back home. I go back to my boat to enjoy the soothing breeze and the sound of gentle waves crashing against my boat. The water lights up with fluorescent sea creatures. I go back to my home, make myself tea before bed. I go to bed feeling fulfilled. I'm happy.