What zodiac sign couples do you know irl...

Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy πŸ˜‚ she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of themπŸ˜‚ he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Possible πŸ˜‚ bf claims she must be Taurus, no way she's anything else πŸ˜‚ I kinda agree, can't imagine what other sign could she be
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like Scott and Laci Peterson lol
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She actually does look a little like her 😬