What zodiac sign couples do you know irl...

Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

Long labias are lowkey goated though
This is the definition of aqua m Virgo f, the men love the coldbloodedness
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I don’t have a labia preference. I saw on Reddit they can shrink in menopause though, which is terrifying. Just trying to enjoy mine before they disappear.
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The long ones envelop the dick as it pulls out like a soft vacuumy vagina extension. And it looks aesthetic too. Sounds obvious but I had no idea till my ex shot a porno of us. Ok end of tmi but I'll have to check that out. Another horrifying reddit thing I learned is that the husband stitch is real 😳