The U.S. DXP Population is 76% Female......

@ yum:
although i will not vouch for the validity of these statistics, i did find them a bit amusing to say the least...
it IS possible that 19% of the U.S. dxp users make 100K per year since that is about on par with the national average...
i would venture to say that there are at least "67" people on here making this amount of money...

and judging from the reasoning qualities of the majority of dxp's users, at times, i get the impression that many users are educated, although other times, i feel like i am back in high school all over again!

i for one have 1 year of law school under my belt so far, so i would definitely be part of that "29% " of american dxp users in grad school..
or at the very least, i take that stat to mean the percentage of users with some form of graduate degree, even if they are not currently in grad school...

but EMPIRICALLY, these stats seem to be remotely accurate because it is obvious that there are more women than men posting on dxp, and the majority of users who frequent this site also frequent,, etc., as the site indicated......

and with spiders and all forms of other information gathering e-tools, you would be SURPRISED at what kind of information about you is on file somewhere in some government bureaucrat's office, if not stored on the BEAST located in brussels...

people tend to forget that the internet makes it EASIER to collect personal data on people, not HARDER...

why do you think the internet was developed in the first place? by WHOM do you think it was developed?

and ps:
on the quantcast page link in the top left-hand corner, there is a "HAZARD" symbol next to the following disclaimer:
"Site Not Quantified
Data is based on Rough Estimate"