Posted by CoCoBeansdo it.Posted by WoolyLabiaPosted by CoCoBeansPosted by WoolyLabiaPosted by WoolyLabia
I think @cocobeans and @rimzy could do a dances with wolves
ROM will play Kevin costner
Coco beans will be the Native American he bangs
So it’s like dances with wolves meets broke back mountain but lesbians
The end is they all get impregnated by gigachads
Then the giga Chad’s get eaten by bears coz they thought they could battle a bear
So they all spend winters breastfeeding in a warm tent
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I’m about to up my Native American look with a horses tattoo. I thought about getting an arrowhead too lol.
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lol don’t do it Sanch!
Do you have tattoos now?
Don’t be a degenerate Virgo 🤣
Just do the fire bunny thing and be a good citizen
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🤣🤣🤣 I don’t have any, but my family is talking about getting a family tattoo. What’s wrong with tattoos? I was thinking on my to expand
Posted by Stardustmoppedhahaha this would definitely be madePosted by MyStarsShine
Do me please 😃
I would have you play Vivienne, a strong-willed enigmatic spiritual healer/energy worker. She runs a holistic practice in Seattle. One morning she wakes up and impulsively decides to pack up her crystals, tarot and dream interpretation cards and drive down the pacific coast to clear her energy.
She stops at a quiet bookstore cafe in a coastal town. She sees a woman behind the counter. Sophie, played by @xyzabc. Sophie is trapped in a cycle of self doubt and fear of her own potential. Vivienne immediately recognizes her as a deep feeling person but maybe afraid of her own depths. Vivienne offers to pull a tarot card for her. Sophie nervously agrees. It’s high priestess-untapped potential.
Vivienne rents a cottage nearby to write a book about spiritual growth while helping Sophie find her own rhythm as a healer.
It’s called the High Priestess Path
stepping into your power is scary, but staying small is worseclick to expand
Posted by loveMeLikeASailorHello…lol
@jazzykid unwording!! Hey sweetheart, i knew your name really i just lost my brain for a second xxxxx the name on your birth certificate 'unwording' 😍💜🫶
Posted by WoolyLabiaCancer venus story time. ❤️
Damnata still tour dxpers around in Romania?