Brutal "who mogs who" game

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WoolyLabia
I ghosted both of them
Idk what it was with the libra though I think I didn’t like her taste in things tv shows and the way she spoke was kinda brootal lol Aries moon
The sag idk a bit too conservative for me

We are going to have to design one for you😃
Why ghost? Could you not be honest with them?
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Ghosting is how gen z does it 🤣
They prefer it over being told exactly what it is
That way they can make up their own reason
It really is for the best 😅
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Oh God😩😂
The one I raised is the total opposite
Brooootally honest lol
Brave heart ❤️
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Gen Z is brutally honest lol

Libra hurt Ands’s feelings with a fake excuse saying she ran out of saliva (this is not even a thing 😂) and the Sag left him with his pants at his ankles multiple times and texted him photos of her partying with other dudes.

Ands should date women his own age like you and knit a lovely sweater.

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