Brutal "who mogs who" game

Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by MidAtBest

My Chippendale lookin pisces ex

Background story why it didn't work out
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yeah, he's an angel inside and outside, except for being sexually abusive at one point. cliffs notes:
-met in summer 2014, first slept together summer 2015 after he tried and was rejected many times till I got drunk and made moves one day. (I rejected because he's 8 years older and at that point I had never been w someone so old)
-made it official summer 2016, he dumped me trying to make things work with his taurus baby-mom. their son is now 22 and the couple have been off and on this whole time since like 2000
-reconnected in 2020, I told him I wanna marry him and secured a promotion at work, we made it official, he found out I was vaccinated and was LIVID. he thinks I altered his dna by having sex with him without disclosing my vaccination status. I also was talking shit at work about this other girl he saw in 2020 with 3 baby dads, he dumped me for that because she found out and confronted him, I told him I started carrying around a meat cleaver for her since she threatened to beat me up and I threatened suicide also. he got me on yayo at this time as well. I got demoted, he got a great job, have rarely heard from him since
the taurus bm doesn't offend me as a human although she posts mean Facebook posts about me, the gemini girl who I got into the altercation with though was one of those romantic rivals who traumatizes you. like if I was Diana and she was camilla
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I'm sorry to hear that.

Pisces seem to make up their own rules.

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