Posted by MidAtBestI'm sorry to hear that.Posted by aka_xyPosted by MidAtBest
My Chippendale lookin pisces ex
Background story why it didn't work out
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yeah, he's an angel inside and outside, except for being sexually abusive at one point. cliffs notes:
-met in summer 2014, first slept together summer 2015 after he tried and was rejected many times till I got drunk and made moves one day. (I rejected because he's 8 years older and at that point I had never been w someone so old)
-made it official summer 2016, he dumped me trying to make things work with his taurus baby-mom. their son is now 22 and the couple have been off and on this whole time since like 2000
-reconnected in 2020, I told him I wanna marry him and secured a promotion at work, we made it official, he found out I was vaccinated and was LIVID. he thinks I altered his dna by having sex with him without disclosing my vaccination status. I also was talking shit at work about this other girl he saw in 2020 with 3 baby dads, he dumped me for that because she found out and confronted him, I told him I started carrying around a meat cleaver for her since she threatened to beat me up and I threatened suicide also. he got me on yayo at this time as well. I got demoted, he got a great job, have rarely heard from him since
the taurus bm doesn't offend me as a human although she posts mean Facebook posts about me, the gemini girl who I got into the altercation with though was one of those romantic rivals who traumatizes you. like if I was Diana and she was camillaclick to expand
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Posted by LostthoughtsHe says he’s clean and doesn’t drink anymore or do drugs but I haven’t seen him in over a year aside from talking online so idk
Tell buddy one to start working out a little. Doesn't matter what it is, so long as he is pudhing himself. The very act of it does something to peoples physical and mental health. It's complicated why but it works wonders.
He is perfectly capable of finding someone. It's a matter of self esteem and then going to the right places where what you are looking for would be.
It's actually funny. When you are ready for a relationship internally, you glow-up and people start come out the woodwork.
His substance abuse greatly limits him. Likely have to address that when he gets with someone who isnt ok with it or she lets him know thats a issue before dating. Story as old as time🎵
Posted by WoolyLabiaWell then go hang out with him. Get a feel for him then think of which friend could use a man like him.Posted by Lostthoughts
Tell buddy one to start working out a little. Doesn't matter what it is, so long as he is pudhing himself. The very act of it does something to peoples physical and mental health. It's complicated why but it works wonders.
He is perfectly capable of finding someone. It's a matter of self esteem and then going to the right places where what you are looking for would be.
It's actually funny. When you are ready for a relationship internally, you glow-up and people start come out the woodwork.
His substance abuse greatly limits him. Likely have to address that when he gets with someone who isnt ok with it or she lets him know thats a issue before dating. Story as old as time🎵
He says he’s clean and doesn’t drink anymore or do drugs but I haven’t seen him in over a year aside from talking online so idkclick to expand
Posted by Persona_De_CrabWell I know she got divorced… met another guy but I’ve no update as to what came of that if she remarried or not
Posted by WoolyLabiaYup, mostly women. They're all mostly good looking too so I don't think they would have hard time finding someone new if they wanted to. Some are single tho but I believe by their choice, no way no one is interested in them cause honestly speaking not one of them looks bad or neglected in any kind of wayPosted by PhoenixSagPosted by WoolyLabiaPosted by PhoenixSagPosted by Walk_on_byPosted by PhoenixSag
Why pretend? Who doesn't have options now a days anyway
Haha yeah haha
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Idk what's funny about that? I don't know anyone who doesn't have options/doesn't look good enough to have them. Not like they're keeping them as a backup but if they wanted to, they could easily find someone
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I think you’re a nice positive person
I do the same thing with my younger friends but idk if my support actually helps them
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Maybe I'm overly positive about it considering some are divorced and single but somehow I doubt no one ever hots on them, I think they just choose to be single because of bad experiences in the past. Idk, maybe we really don't have as much options as I think...
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If most of your friends are women there is always some oofy doofy guy waiting in the wings
For guys it’s a totally different ball gameclick to expand
Posted by PhoenixSagHmm. Aquaintance according to Cambridge dictionary means: "a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend" Seems to me that kind of relationship could be had regardless of the couple having had sex or not?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by PhoenixSagPosted by HappyCapperPosted by PhoenixSagPosted by HappyCapperPosted by Enfant-Terrible-IIPosted by HappyCapper
We see eachother all the time and he calls, most often about three times a day, so that girl would probably have a tough time with our relationship. I know I would have.
Eww, he calls you 3 times a day? You sure he's not a woman? That sounds unhealthy
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lol It's not unhealthy, I promise. I do admit it sounds a bit weird, but we're both comfortable with it. We've known eachother for 30+ years and if any one of us would have had a problem with it, we would have voiced it. Aand no, he's very much not a woman.
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I'm sorry but what you're describing is faaaaar away from a friendship. If he has no gf and can't have one with you being his friend you most certainly are not his friend and neither is he yours. You broke up for whatever the reason but can't cut cords with him yet. And yes, that girl would have hard time, not because of the relationship you have, but because of the feelings you clearly have for each other. Also, not even married people call each other 3 times a day. So you can safely cross that "friendship" from the list of friendships cause it certainly does not belong there.
I don't mean this in a judging voice, I mean it from "been there, done that" experience and simply being objective and honest.
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If we hadn't decided to stop having sex, I would have agreed with you. Yes, there are feelings there, at least from my end, but a sexless 'relationship' that you haven't decided to call a marriage or a romantic relationship, I'd call a friendship...whatever feelings exist between the two. But, I guess that's just semantics. You have a valid point.
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Well, you can call it platonic love then or other similar terms, depending on the entire situation between you two. I've a crush on someone...I can't say we're friends just because we're not having sex, there's a reason why we're not doing it. As I'm sure there is a reason in your case too. I've had something similar for awhile with one ex so I do get what you mean but I can't put him under the friends tag just because we remained close and friendly, but stopped having sex
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"I've a crush on someone...I can't say we're friends just because we're not having sex"
Sorry, I didn't get this part.
What would you call that ex? You're not in a romantic relationship and you wouldn't call him friend, so what would you call him?
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Acquaintance. That's pretty much it, someone you know. I mean, as long as either side has feelings for the other secretly ot's nit really a friendship. Well not even if it's openly unless nothing sexual ever happened between you two.
What I meant with first part was (I didn't elaborate enough, sorry) that when you are friendly with someone you have a crush on, meaning you're going out with them or simply spending time with them, chatting etc - they're not really your friend because you feel more for them than just a friend, despite the reasons you have that you're not with them. You're friendly but you'd like something more if the opportunity arises so that's what makes them not your friend really. It's hard to label people correctly cause there are so many shades to this ,but a genuine friendship to me is when both sides have no romantic or sexual feelings for each other, they just choose to hang around in each others lives cause they enjoy the company of each other without those kinds of to expand
Posted by StardustmoppedThat's actually funny af. I think kimbo would rather take himself out indefinitely then have to act in a movie alongside me. I love the the guy, but there ain't no way he could deal with my bs.
@kimboslice and @soul are kicked out of heaven and are on afterlife probation. They have to do good deeds to be accepted back into heaven but their Scorpio moons cant help but to poke and push peoples buttons.
Posted by LostthoughtsYessss I am sooo much for this.Posted by HateMeNowIloveitPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by HateMeNowIloveitPosted by Lostthoughts
I get this. Also " I don't trust him" you are full of shit. Do you have any idea the level of vulnerability and consideration and restraint in not pushing you? Dude is litterally thinking of your feelings in regards to his own every single day. You can trust him, he is showing you everyday. Lmao that fact he has feelings for you and not pushing you, while most men would do what in this circumstances?
Here is the issue. If that dude loves you to that extent. Then tell him what he needs to do or change. Otherwise, he has to leave you to break the Familiarity catagory. You lose him.
By your social rules you all so love to play and accept. "The game.",Dude has to disappear. You lose your friendship. You want to keep him in your life?
Set him up with someone just like you, which is obviously what he wants and is looking for, if dude has been holding such a flame for you for years. Sense you care for him so much, how about setting him up with what he wants and is looking for, soneone just like you.
Though that means replacing yourself. Are you the jealous type? Will you get along with her and someone like yourself? Otherwise ya you lose him. You ok with that?
Mixed friendships are very possible depending on dynamic sand maturity level. Part of that is recognizing that possibility of physical intamcy will always be there with genuine feelings and a spark of chemistry. Part of maturity is accepting that and conciously choosing not to act on it.
Anyone who says otherwise, doesn't actually care for or love the other that deeply or much.
Self control and emotional intelligence is the core qualities wisdom and maturity.
Play nice and be considerate with each other and things will always work out in the end.
Either you commented on the wrong post or you dont know as much as you should.
My old guy besty, we will call him a gf and used me to make her jealous. He sang that hinder song "lips of an angel" to me in front of her. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. That was the end of it for me.
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Not as much as I should.
Thats actually pretty mean to said "girlfriend".
I stand by the second half of my post though.
That poor girl. Must have been humiliating for her.
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It was pretty terrible, I really liked her. She dumped him and blocked me 😟
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See that last part I hate. That wasn't fair to you or her. I find it heart warming when people bond over that instead.
My favorite stories are men and woman find out they are the other person or straight cheating and they become friends instead of attacking each other. Empathy cobsuderation for each to expand
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