Virgo woman playing?!

P-Angel: You're probably right! I think I know how to break the ice now. I was trying to figure out the perfect line, but nevermind that. I figure she'd like to know I'm somewhat normal. So I'll just ask some every day question. I might not see her for FOUR whole days now... Damn. Byt I'll def. come back to tell you guys about it.

Related Messages

"now is this a person that is using me or just someone like he said that wants to take it slow like he wants"
ask yourself, "do I feel motivated? am I on the move? is it my life? is he my friend?"
Ow wow...I'm a gem girl smile...
And I was in a relationship with a gemini guy for 2 years about 4 yrs ago...we didnt parted ways amicale but it still sucked for me that we broke up, because I felt like he got over me way too fast...and it jst broke my heart..
Now on valentines day, I went to a club and he was there too...and we just COULDNT resist eachother it was crazy...we had an undeniable chemistry...he was my first love, and didnt talk for 4 yrs, and we were all over eachother again, his friends were all like ''uh oh here we go again...''.
the funny part of this story is.
that we got SIX planets in the same sign!!
sun,mercury,uranus,neptune, pluto, and rising.
And no we are not born in the same yr at all..
its so crazy and refreshing I feel like this gem, has the same duality like me, one minute he can be very conservative and the next he's a bad boy, and I like that, also I like the chase, and so does he so we never give 100% to eachother...
its like only a gemini understands a gemini.. he's like the male version of me, no one understand me like he does, and the same for him and me..
How did your relationship work if you had one with a gem.
and if not, did you have alotta planets in common?
not all in gemini.. but that we both have them in the same signs...
and another thing, I THOUGHT he got over me too fast... but he just knew how to hide it well, cuz he was talking about stuff I told him yrs ago, and he remembered every single word!!
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Without reading through the whole thread. I will post this. I know a lot a couple of scorp guys who don't believe in V-day, including one I used to see, but he stoped by with a D&G purse and a bracelet and I was shocked to death! I actually refused the gift initially but then accepted it after he persisted so much. I too like to do something on V-day, it doesn't have to be anything huge, but something.
V-day is a made up holiday, but a fun one. For women, not kids. Although I will admit there are some people who think this.
"qs...from what i have read re this scorp married/separated guy, he is keeping you in his clutches by telling you these things, they use 'friends' to keep in touch, then they try to start it up all over again, it has happened too many times to count with this one that i know....even his voice gets like velvet when he is luring me back in again...that's why i dont want to hear it any more....he is like the devil"
Yup, irishlibra, it is all true about him. He came by my house, says he was just in the neighborhood, V-day with a very expense gift. I refused it initially but took it after his persistance. They are vaccumms. I went on a fabulous date though that evening, just fabulous. The new scorp - case closed. No room for games or drama. I am just enjoying life and see what happens.
I think you did the right thing. You were honest with yourself. You can't act like a friend, if inside you see him as more than that. I think it's never your lost when there is honesty. However it will be his lost if he truly felt differently and was not honest with himself.
"throw them both out and have the satisfaction that you cut them off.
best way to do that is live your life like yor interest has naturally faded away. dont change your number or tell him that its over. if he calls you and you happen to have your phone, talk to him as if your talking to your brother. like best friends. indifference, not hot not cold."
llorei, that is exactly what I have done. I am good at moving on, some think i do it too soon. I think I do it when it is right.
"i sent him one back 'i want to feel loved and secure in a comitted relationship and be held every morning, you want to see other women when you feel like it, see me when you feel like it (only once every two or three weeks sometimes), and be not other words, you want your cake and eat it has been like this for too long and has not changed...end of other words, you have had me on a string, and i wont have it any more'"
I think all scorp men have that "pulling you back in" trait. LOL!! The married/separated one, had done a ton for me and my daughter and used to spend tons of quality time with me but the fact remains, that I am divorced he isn't (separated or not - they keep trying and falling out and separating again.) and I won't share.
You should just believe what he's telling you and move on.