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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I really don't need to stress about it - it doesn't have to be my problem. I can just not go over there.
But you're right. I'm not gonna sleep in a bed where I don't know whether or not the kid fucked another nasty ghetto bitch in it while we were gone...I don't need to get gonnorhea (sp?) in my eye or something. :/
I'm thinking next time he's not going to change the sheets since my boyfriend will notice and get mad. I'm not taking that chance.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
The only thing I like about geminis is the fact that everyone hates on them ALL THE TIME, and they truly don't seem to care. I respect that.
I really didn't know alot of people didn't like sagittariuses, though...shows how much I care to even pay attention.
We know who we are.
Hi ladies! I've read so many posts and saw so many wise advices. A cap guy has been fooling me around for a while, or suppose I say for a year and a half. I thought he was always busy, because he was so caring and affectionate when we were together and in the very beginning before getting intimate he said I was different from all the women (I guess because I was reserved and I respected myself, refused him touching me) But then something happened and I ran wild. Well, things have been like this for a year. He'd stop calling me for a month and then suddenly come back and tell me how he missed me. That hurt me and I thought I'll be patient (what an idiot I was) The last time we spent together was 2 weeks ago and he was so controlling and thought I'll put up with this. I yelled at him what a jerk and asshole and ran out of his place! He went after me and asked me whats wrong. I told him to treetrunk off and ran on the heels back to my hotel which was mile away from his house. He offered me a ride but I was too angered to even respond. He tried to woo me in again by calling my cell like 10 times, but I ignored him. . .
Anyways, the same day we were hanging out, I unintentionally found out his password for facebook website. Well, out of curiosity, I logged in from my pc and found out a lot of women he's been hitting on. Telling the same crap he was telling me! I got really aggrivated. He sent me a text on v-day - happy valentine's day! What an asshole. I did very stupid thing because I replied him 5 hours later - thanks u 2. Do you think my reply has made him think I'm still into him? Because basically I ignored him and then replied him on v- day. I'm moving on but still seeking for a good revenge and for him to learn a lesson. So many women are getting fooled by his good techniques at getting them and I wanna help them. Since I know how to login into his account... maybe there's something I should do with it?
I strongly would appreciate everyone's advices and this post came from a virgo lady.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Well a young capricorn asked me out.wanted to wine and dine me coupled with chocolate and flowers...Should have bloody well taken him up on the offer...but ah I am too!
Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
^lol. Virgo girls. *cringe*
But they are good at what they do. I'll give them that.
I'm sure your sister is lovely, Archer.