Happy Belated Birthday Starfish225!


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I am a gemini. From what I have read we are the worst possible match for capricorns. Funny thing is I do not have the typical wishy/washy traits of geminis. I have always been driven and successful in my life and know exactly what I want and where I am going. I have always been in long lasting relationships (6 -7 years) and have been faithful and devoted to every man I have been with. That is why I have such a hard time wondering why I let him get to me so much. This man went out of his way to prove to me that we wasn't what I was told by everyone (how he couldn't keep a relationship and that he would hurt me). Silly me gave him the chance prove he wasn't that way and then once he had me, boom up went a wall. I know capricorns are not the type to express their emotions or feelings but it seems like just when he was letting his guard down with me he panicked. Since I backed off from him and stopped jumping everytime he needed me, he has now been calling and texting constantly. Do you think he is just playing games or trying to fiure out what the hell he wants. I care deeply for him but wow talk about frustrating. They are very strange and complex creatures lol.
No more miss nice girl for me. lol. It will be hard but I am gonna give it a try.
I got laid by a taurus! It was damn good too. It had been a LONG time since I got some...
Run away Z! Run far away!
I had no expectations at all.........all I did do was watched "White Palace" with Mr. V. - 1990 with Susan Sarandon and James Spader.....not by choice but just becoz it was on. More than a whisper into the film, and I realized their lives were too much like mine and his - only the other way round....you've got to see the film to get the "the"!!!! I'd never seen the film before - Mr, Virgo told me he had seen its lots of times and he had actaully cried......so when the endings came and it was past midnight and no tears were shed...her breathed a silent whew!!!!....but now I can't get that flamin film out of my mind!!!!! Anyway to st. val I say ........ thanks for the stirrings...........:-)
A x
Why did I figure it's only and mostly capricorn men being jerks? The taurus and scorpio guy I've dated were such sweethearts and would never hurt a woman intentionally... caps seem to squeeze into your mind, and suck it out so that they could screw with it and then watch how it works and enjoy it!
spoke with my bf for 5hrs playing games and listening to music. Then at night, went bar hopping with my friends =) it was great
Day late as usual Q.........but what the hell..............so many somethings I shud have said to you and told to you...........love you Mister V.
A x
Awesome ... Nate Robinson dunked over Dwight Howard, I couldn't ask for more.