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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
He's hot. I like darkness in men. Though, I wonder if the way he's acting is a joke or not. He's kinda acting like his brother did before he died.
Signed Up:
Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Even though Aquarians love being the "oddballs" & the ones who are unpredictable, we still enjoy those moments when our partners can say or do something completely unpredictable (romantic-wise) b/c it allows us to feel that there is more to that person than we originally thought.
We're good at assuming we know someone soooo well (to the point that we stop expecting that person to do certain things b/c we figure it's not in them) & when someone proves us wrong for the RIGHT reason, it DOUBLE sweeps us off our feet.
One thing I will say though, is corny-ness if NOT ALLOWED. True romantics comes from the heart. I don't like all that mushy "rehearsed" stuff that you can tell he probably said to all his ex girlfriends. We like being told things that he thought of that's particular to us & THIS relationship. Alot of the time it's hard for a man to sweep me off my feet UNLESS he's original & suprises me when I thought he didn't even have it in him. That's the best time to sweep us off our feet
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
For me, it's all about semantics & word choice. If you say something like, "I want to cook for you tonight" I might even shrug it off if you cooking for me has never happend before. BUT, if he comes back & says "Well, I just thought I'd cook for you tonight to show you how much I appreciate you. And trust me, I don't cook for just anyone". When he says that, it makes me believe that he is not just talking out of his butt, saying something he thinks I just wanna hear & that he probably didn't "rehearse" saying with all the other women in his past. When he offers an ACTION, I assume that he put alot of thought into it & must really want to do it since he knows he can't go back on his words.
When a man says he'll DO something for me or gets creative with his actions, THAT is true romance!
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ yum:
buddy, in those stats you posted it says that the top 20% of earners in the U.S. earn $ 92,000 and up..
so how is 19% of dxp users earning 100K+ not on par with the national average like i said?
@ nihilist:
well i guess like everything else, whether 100K is considered a lot depends A lot on the person you talk to..
of course, you talk to the person making 100k and he will tell you he needs MORE money since people tend to spend more as they earn more..
its very easy to earn 100K/year and still be in debt!
the more you make, the more you can be liable to incur in debt!
with that being said, if you talk to someone making 40K/year, 100k is the jackpot!
lets face it, 100k/year is not the megamillions jackpot BUT, if you are young, single and make shrewd investments, you can live VERY CONFORTABLY...
and EVEN support a FAMILY comfortably on top of that!
@ spa:
to what do i owe the distinct honor of having you post a FULL PARAGRAPH?!?
i have never seen a thread where you are NOT posting some one dimensional one-liner that was obviously born of the tightly condensed air that composes the majority of mass in your aquarius air-head....
most people's brains consist primarily of water, but its obvious that there is enough tightly compressed air in that spaced out skull of yours to supply a scuba diving search mission from sydney, australia...
and if you were wondering exactly WHAT the object of th search mission is, its obviously for YOUR BRAIN!
its obvious that you have no CONSCIENCE you would rather lie for the sake of saving your face - if you even have a face left after this...
yeah, its an internetS message board and all but if you can't be real here, where in the hell can you be real at all?
and by now it should be obvious to anyone with WATER (not air) composing the majority of mass in their brains,
that once you purge the board as you have done it is only A MATTER OF TIME before there is little readily identifiable trace of your selfish and vain pushing-to-the-past of other people's posts..
and its not like you are even posting anything of SUBSTANCE!
you can never manage to muster the AIR in your head to enable you to think beyond posting non-sensical, meaningless single sentences as you continue to demonstrate..
you give aquarius girls a BAD name!
and PS
do you think i really care about my threads getting flagged?
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
" so why do they expect to be forgiven when they do the same?"
cuz you're not men.
In actual fact a real "MAN" wouldn't go there, these guys are simply just boys, baby boys at that, that have the mentality of 2 year olds!
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
No even though im young i never knew i just move with the wind
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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
i will just go and make a NEW ONE! (if you couldn't tell by now)..
do you think i care whether your dumb ass laughs at my jokes?
YOU are the joke right about now and i will prove it to you...
UNLESS you can post a LINK TO A THREAD as from december giving you an ALIBI as to the reason you purged the board as you and i both know you did at that time,
politely get out of my thread and STAY OUT!
and don't think that just because i generally love aqua ladies that i WON'T air hose dxp's e-floor with the pressurized air contents of your peanut-sized skull...
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Yeah GB I'd hate to be a guy, i see them get rejected all the time when they approach someone. I always try to be polite even when I'm not interested because I feel it's taken them alot of guts to come up and ask or try and make conversation. My gf's slam me for being too nice because they say I'm leading them even a women can't win!
Damned if you do and Damned if you dont!
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
***super powers...ACTIVATE! 2/16/2009 11:30:48 PM | ip:
"btw, my soul IS for sale.
Anyone want to buy it?
Hmmm...I wonder, if I were to put it up for sale on Ebay..."****
*throws a quarter @ spa*
well i guess the bidding for SPA's sould will start at 25 cents..
does anyone have 30 cents?
if there are no bids for SPA's sould for 30 cents, i will assume ownership of SPA's soul...
25 cents going once...