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Feb 08, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 178 · Topics: 12
I worked with 3 Aries, 2 Virgo's, 2 Cappys, 2 Libra's, 1 Aquarius and 1 Taurus
and without a doubt, the laziest were Libra = both of them.
If you could employ based on Sign, id think twice about Libra !!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
And why do people have to be told this, is my question.
A person can see it right in front of their face, because they'll make comment about its existence ..... and then have to be told what it means eventhough they defined it when they conveyed it.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Whose very young?
PP is same age as one who says she's very young?
Maybe I'm confused.
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 20
what's more important in determining the type of woman a man goes for...moon or venus sign?
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
you totally stole this from me. i was going to steal it from fb too! lolol! anyway...
1. I make my own all-natural hair care products in my kitchen/laboratory. Two years since my last relaxer.
2. I really don't like to be asked questions. If I want you to know, I will tell you.
3. Your secrets are always safe with me (even if I don't like ya, lol), but somehow, I've mastered the art of ruining surprises.
4. I very rarely tell a lie, because I believe that lying implies a fear of some thing or outcome. And I fear no one but God.
5. I hide from the world when I go through a bout of sadness or am solving a major problem. I hate asking for help.
6. I fantasize about playing an integral role in some militant organization.
7. I can't stand to see anyone be ill or in any sort of pain. I will tend to the needs of my worst enemy if they show symptoms of a common cold.
8. I've overcome my fear of strangers!
9. There is a convenience store in my pocketbook. I have everything from oatmeal to spoons to band aids to hangers to hand sanitizer?and 3 kinds of lotions in there. You name it, I got it.
10. I am double-jointed. Meaning, I can practically play jumprope with my arms, and put my legs around my neck.
11. EVERYTHING has sentimental value to me, so I hold onto everything. Movie stubs, menus, receipts, old report cards, bus passes...I literally keep everything because I live in the past.
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Sep 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 14
"I love pisces men... (not the women though). They are the BEST!..."
I know this is a bit off-topic but as a pisces female, I gotta ask GemGal about this comment! lol
Out of curiosity, what don't you like about us?
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
this is called a stream of consciousness, red. i love streams of consciousness!