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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 649 · Topics: 30
actually, the last time i fainted i really frightened myself. it was at night time and i was experiencing a serious pain in my abdomen. i was lying in bed but i then started vomiting and felt like death. i was just going to call for help and then i must've passed out cos i don't remember anything apart from coming round with the pain gone! thank GOD!!!
fainting when you're on your own is quite dangerous i think.
it's definately something to get checked out by a doctor if it happens frequently.
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 649 · Topics: 30
does anyone else hate going to the doctor? do you hate hospitals? do you just leave if you are kept waiting for too long as an excuse not to go through with it? are you scared of what they might tell you? if you have a doctor phobia, why do you think it is?
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I mean, hey if the guy is sick, then he's sick. And if I were you, I wouldn't see his sickness as something to be worried about compared to the other things that men do that can piss you off. If an Aqua doesn't feel good (health wise), they might stay in or if they are still trying to impress someone, they'll go out but usually & ONLY so they won't have to hear the other person's mouth.
If you had've asked him to hang out with you in a more private & more personal environment, the chances of him meeting up with you would've been alot higher. If you hadda asked him to personally hang out with you (just the 2 of you) at your house, his house or somewhere where he doesn't have to pretend to feel good or be perky, he probably would've been all for it. I don't think him chosing to stay in for the night was anything personal against you. And yes, even though Aquas get very attached ONCE they're attached, it's not like we just HAVE to see our partner every single day. We can love & miss you the same when we're not even around you, as long as we know that soon we'll see you again. But if I were you, I wouldn't necessarily show your Aqua how pissed you are b/c he will immediately be turned off by your insensitivity. He will assume that you are being petty, b/c after all, as an Aqua he might really love you but that doesn't mean that his world revolves around you. It's no different than someone who's got a great paying & worth-it job, but yet still has to take those "sick days" off every once in a while. That doesn't mean you don't want the job or that you're bulling your boss. Maybe he really WAS sick & felt that he'd be more productive showing up on a day when he's feeling his best, rather than just being 1/2 of what you're used to & expect from him. I think you're being a little selfish with this whole thing. If this guy kept using the "I'm sick" card then that'd be a whole 'nother story, but if this is the first time this has happened, then just chill out & don't make something out of nothing.
If he's really into you & actually loves you, then he would do anything to please you, but at the same time Aqua men will always make sure their mental & physical health comes before anything else & to an extent, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Just let the man breath. Like I said, if he continues to use the "sick" card every time you guys are supposed to hang out, THEN be pissed.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
yeah...the jets just got lito sheppard....i think he is going to flourish again under rex ryan.......
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
i cant believe that the pats only got #34 pick for cassel.......i think they are going to miss him when brady goes down again. this will be fact.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
i also predict that the new york jets will have the number one rated defense in the league next year.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I'm pretty sure that there have been times in your life when someone really need you, really wanted to see you or really wanted you to "show up" but other circumstances prevented you from meeting those expectations. And I'm sure when those things happened, you didn't feel any guilt b/c hey, if the circumstances were more important or more big then those who really love & understand you wouldn't be mad at you for taking care of your own business right? Put yourself in his shoes.
Aquas love to see their partners b/c constant communication, that good ole' connection & reassurance that the relationship is worth having is very important to us. But at the same time, if you start acting as if the world is over just b/c his own circumstances prevent him from seeing you then he's not going to see it the way you see it & his view of you might change, even if just a little bit. One of the biggest turn offs for Aqua men are women that appear to be too clingy or too insensitive or too skeptical. Aqua men themselves always want to be around their partners, but try their hardest not to come off as clingy. If an Aqua can't see his partner, he'll suck it up, swallow his pride & selfishness & move on, especially if he knows that he has plenty of time (the rest of his life) to make it up to you or vice versa. If you're going to be this pissed off about this, then the least you can do is NOT show this side of you to him. I understand how you feel though; you miss him & really wanted to see him but at the same time, understand that if you plan on being with this guy for a long time that there will be plenty more times when he can't always "make the date" or fit your schedule. And if this guy starts to see that you put your own insecurities or own vulnerabilities over his important & realistic circumstances you guys will end up breaking up or falling out over the little stuff. If you're going to be pissed, be pissed b/c he cheated, or b/c he KEEPS having excuses for not being able to see you. Fight over the BIG things, the things that mean life or death; not something this petty
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Well being a jerk & being shy/standoffish (playing the Hard-to-get-role) are 2 completely different things. If this guy is just a known jerk to you & not to your friend, it has nothing to do with his Zodiac. It's just simply b/c SHE'S (your friend) the one he's trying to impress, thus he's putting on his "sweet" face for her & not you. He's probably being mean to you b/c that's how he REALLY is & if your friend can't see that, then hey, she's just as bad.
But on the other hand, if this guy's trying to test you to see how you respond, how you tick & how you carry yourself, then just be yourself. Don't ever beg or seem desperate for someone's friendship b/c at the end of the day, he's an Aqua & if he really saw that YOU were the prize, he'd make it known very quickly. Some Aqua men play the "chase after me" game b/c they are testing a woman's loyalty & true colors when she's in an unpleasant environment or around people who are unpleasant. And regardless of WHY he's being a jerk to you, a jerk is a jerk. If he's such a jerk then there's no reason why you should even care why he's being mean to you b/c after all, he's after HER and not you. You should be more focused on trying to get her away from him & making sure that she doesn't fall for his sneeky smile & not instead focusing on trying to get his friendship or his attention towards you.
I don't think this situation has anything to do with him being an Aqua. If he's a jerk, then take it how you see it. What you see is what you get.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Interesting, the responses I mean. I don't know how to reply back really -- very insightful
I've been told that regardless to whatever he case may be, if you love someone, it should be unconditional and nothing should keep you from that person.
Nothing else should matter when love is involved ... only the person you intend on loving with all of your heart.
I'm not sure if that idealistic or may more realistic than I can see or what.