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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LMAO @ Zen..haha..I went through that as well with DXP..where the banner kept following me!'s gone now and left me in the format is actually quite nice..
Constantly challenging them and disagreeing to all their conventions will do it. You'll know you're on the right track when they start to insist that you have mental problems. If they're the old fashioned type, acting the opposite of that will also do wonders. You beat down everything they stand for and they will peace out faster than than a fainthearted kid in a house of horrors.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
This whole thing just sounds fishy to me .... if each implication is taken seriously, then it doesn't add up when the whole picture is looked at.
"his kids came over on wednesday cuz the oldest shares his same bday. i work nights. I could not sleep because i got our home ready for them."
How does that ^^^^ make any sense?
did you have to wash the drapes or summat?
How could them coming over this day cause a situation in which robs you of sleep?
What is it you have to get ready exactly?
You make it sound like it was a gruelling chore and because of having this inconvenience, you were deprived of sleep, making ready.
Write down the phone number for Pizza Hut, pull out pillows and blankets, and put an extra roll of toilet paper in the loo ... 5 minutes.
What sign do u think would b the most likely 2 own a harley? And b the biker type?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Seems to work better when the gemini is female..the other way around not sure...
I personally couldn't trust a gemini no go..but I heard that the gemini/scorp couple can go on for quite some time..
I have a few gemini male friends..but that's all they'll ever be..the flirts!..they are fun to be around though.
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Jan 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 13
lmao i know right but i kinda wanna try it again im just intrigured by you aquas.
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Jan 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 13
this might be a bust 2 if she doesnt call me today i've learned my lesson and wont call her if she doesnt return my phone call from yesterday.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
" .. i got stuck with them at home. he its cool they will be quiet. i am pregnant with his baby now and i have become ultra sensitive to noise. he knows this. but i gave it a shot anyway. "
It sounds to me as though he had to convince you for his kids to come there .... he had to asure you that baby its cool .. and you gave it a shot anyway.
To say you gave something a shot anyway .. infers that you were in protest from jump, and had to be convinced that it was ok for his children to be in your home that day.
It's obvious to me that you think his children are interferring in your life. Funny .. on the Aries board, there was actually a discussion about how most Rams don't want to be bothered with children. They want to love them, but, that's it ... anything beyond that is an inconvenience.
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
Yes Zen, It is closing opportunities for me, and yes, its very hard for me, I am loosing "false love" I realize in this move. I have had a rough time being single. Only because I really am a "relationship" person by nature. I love too easy, too hard. He has had a "open door" for too long, yes, I have closed it before, but not so solid as this. He found one way back in through that "friendship" conversation and some time. But all in all, I cant say I really know why he has bothered, he thinks I will "always" be there and a "forever friend" well, i am made like that, but not on a one way road, he quite traveling his side again. It is hard, but doable. I have walked away from love before in my life that was unhealthy. This is not any different for me, and there is more if you want a p.m. I dont wish to air here for all to beat the hell out of me, when it is VERY personal
Kyre, thanks again and again
I'm seeing or was seeing a Virgo male.. very confusing situation. He's b-day is 9/22 which is on the cusp of Libra. But are they usually liars or are they really sincere mostly.. I know life shapes people and their "sign" doesn't necessarily dictate who they are. But I'm really confused..