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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Same here. Nothing phased me. My parents realized early on that physical punishment didn't work for me.
My mother told me the last time my father ever "spanked" me - he was holding me up by my left arm and hitting my butt so hard my feet were coming off the ground & it really bothered my mom that I didn't even cry (she thought I was one of those freaks that doesn't really feel pain.)
My sister on the other hand...all my parents had to do was yell at me and she'd start crying.
I like your positive outlook! I was using the current economic news as a example. In general, how should Cancerians handle themselves during bad times? Lot of the people coming to Cancer forum are happy to bash Cancerians and assign them lables. They are "mushy", "crazy" and other expletives.
In tough times, be it recession/divorce/health downturn etc, what should a cancerian do to remain strong mentally and emotionally?
anybody will cheat if they have no morals.
Chatz, you have every right to be suspicious. He should have told you BEFORE hand what was going on before taking the risk of you hearing gossip from someone else about it.
First of all, I don't believe in the "oh it's innocent" bs. For one, if it was so innocent, then why not tell it? Not saying he has to disclose every single thing and repeat every single conversation he has at work, but when it comes to what could possibly turned into something bigger than it is, he should have gave you the heads-up.
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
It was a joke...don't wanna take it that way. whatever ya kno
Pisces: Worst mistake I ever made in my whole entire life (3x over). Plus I'm stuck having to deal with the treetrunk... Ughh!!!
Cheated on me three times, all with so called female friends.
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Beautiful....makes you want to be in love.
No 2 is the best feeling in the world!