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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
Scorpio's are the shit. Leo's are kinda annoy as hell. At leas the ones I know..uh...
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Well all Scorpions have this inside of them otherwise they wouldn't be Scorpios. But to what extent that side manifests itself onto people around them, that's individual.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Well, I don't mean to bust your bubble but one thing about Aqua women is that even though we can be very standoffish & slow to make the first move, it's not like we will see what we consider a "good thing" and actually watch it pass on by us as if we don't see it passing. It's 2009. If this woman gave you her number & really was looking forward to you calling then she would've made a conscious effort to make sure she atleast knew who you were when you decided to finally call. And after all this time, and if you've called her more than once since 94 & yet she STILL doesn't even know who you are, then I think you know the answer to your own question better than anyone else will.
This lady is clearly not interested. Why you've held on for this long is beyond me, but hey it happens & I've heard stories similar to this but then again, it's not your every day commonality when both people STILL won't talk or make amends to start something (friendship or more). I think you just need to let this one go.
I don't think your issue with her is a matter of her being an Aquarian. I think it's much deeper than that bro
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
The crazy thing is, Aquas have such an indirect cockiness about them. Even though we might not gain what we want from being "different" we still lavish in the fact that we ARE different than others & make it so that others (in our minds) are the ones who missed out.
As an Aqua lady, of course I'm very conscious of how I look. I mean, you only get 1 body & if I truly want everybody to think of me as intelligent, funny, outgoing, ambitious, etc. I don't necessarily find a problem with taking care of myself physically just as much as I standout intellectually. When I gain 5 lbs, sure I hate it but at the same time, I always keep reminding myself that only the shallow will overlook 100 great qualities for 1 temporary flaw. So with that being said, even though I'm always changing as an Aquarian, I find a way to be very content with myself throughout each change, physically & mentally.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
First off, the whole disappearing act that Aquas tend to do every once in a while is not just limited to happening ONLY to their partners or who they are dating. Aquas (men AND women) tend to pull the disappearing acts with their friends, family members, co-workers; so in other words, if he's just pulling the "distant" act every once in a while, then I don't that it's any personal reflection on how he feels for you as a woman b/c he has the need to "pull away" from everybody, not just you. So one, you've got to stop taking that personal & assuming that every time he starts to distance himself that it means you must be doing something wrong. Now don't get me wrong, if an Aqua starts pulling the "distance" thing every other week then that's a whole new ballgame. But with Aqua men, they don't usually waste someone's time (keeping up with communication, etc.) if they know nothing beneficial will ever come of his friendship or partnership with you. If he didn't like you or already made up his mind that you were not someone worth getting to know further, he'd show you alot better than he could tell you & usually he'd express those feelings through completely leaving you alone & cutting off all communication with you little by little until there is nothing left.
Here are some signs that your Aqua is into you?
-When YOU are the one who starts the conversation, he really gets deep into it & finds himself rambling on and on. This may be annoying to you b/c it may seem like he's taken over the whole conversation, but really this just means that your Aqua feels comfortable sharing his intellectually side with you & felt that you were on his level intellectually in order for you to even understand him in that way.
-When he actually calls you back when he says he will. Aqua men won't be all clingy & all desperate for your attention. Sure, deep inside they might really want to scoop you up into their arms, but they always play it cool b/c of their fear of looking like the "fool." If an Aqua finds himself calling you back around the time he said he would then that means that his urge to talk to you or see you was probably just as great & just as PRIORITY as it was for you.
-When he starts to appear to be chasing you, and being very blunt with you in how much he cares for you & in other words, really starts to pour his heart on his sleeve with/for you, that's usually a sign that an Aqua is into you
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Always keep in mind that Aquas never do more than they have to. They are not the ones to add anything "extra." If he always calls you back like he said he would, it's b/c he wanted to (and not necessarily b/c he didn't want to hurt your feelings).
-If he starts to be very direct, always telling you how much he cares & loves to spend time with you, know that he's telling you this b/c he means it & hopes that you don't pick him wearing his heart on his sleeve as a time to be skeptical & assume that it's all bull. Aquas usually don't lead on others who they've already decided wouldn't be of any emotional or intellectual gain for them in the long run. And when he's actually being direct & appearing to be chasing after you (almost in a clingy sense), that's b/c he's showing you that he's ready to show you how he REALLY feels. Aqua men will never do EXTRA or make themselves look like the desperate ones or the clingy one if they're dealing with someone they really don't care for. If an Aqua starts to get closer to you, it's b/c he literally feels it in his heart to be closer with you;
-If he's always wanting to have those "deep" and "unlimited topic" conversations with you, that's a good thing b/c Aquas will NEVER conversate (for long) with someone that is not on their level, intellectually. The first & best way to an Aqua's heart is through the mind & once they feel comfortable sharing their mindset with you (on a personal level, aside from how he conversates with others) then that's something you need to take seriously & as a compliment
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
If I had to chose, I'd say Scorpio women. And here's why: One thing we have in common is that we BOTH command attention when we walk into the room w/o even having to try too hard or ask for it. I think Scorpio women have a natural spotlight that follows them whereever they go & hey it's the same with some Leo women, but I've noticed that Leo women tend to always be on the clock, working for the attention she is seeking, versus the attention just naturally just coming to her "just because."
Plus, I understand Scorpio women alot better. They know they're complicated, emotional & dramatic creatures but have no shame in their game & won't hide who they truly are for the acceptance or satisfaction from others regardless. I feel that Leo women are often changing up to fit their surroundings & that's not necessarily a bad thing, but then again I just happen to love that "so what, I am who I am" & that confidence that Scorpio women naturally demand