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Posted by lanathegreat
I do know what I want, but starting to think that it doesn't exist. When I'm with someone, I do not need lots of space (I know this is coming from a gemini, but it's true). What I do need is for my partner to be my friend first and lover second. I want someone who is open to new experiences and is not afraid to live (from my dating experiences, I've noticed a lot of guys who are scared to let go off their mother's skirts regardless of age), because I'm not afraid to live. Being respectful towards each other and emotionally supportive is huge in my opinion as well. I've noticed that there are 2 types of people: nice and domesticated, but boring and fun and adventurous, but jerks. It's rare to find a sensitive fun exciting person. Plus even if they exist, there is no guarntee that they will like me. I give up!
Thank you irishlibra! You are libra, of course you don't enjoy being single. Most of my friends are libras and they cannot stay single for 5 minutes! haha I do want to be with someone, but i'm perfectly content by myself. I just wish that I would stop meeting people who get to my heart and then leave...
Posted by missmorals
What a ridiculous name....
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