Virgo woman playing?!

Time for an update!! Nothing much happened for the longest time. Until recently, when I finally realized how boring it was to be a COWARD KITTEN. It was like I woke up from some psychosis. Ugh... You were so patient with my whining here!
You know how much I like some of you for that! smile
We have engaged in some small talk, on my initiative of course. It's not like we're going on any dates any time soon though. I still sense some resistence in her. But it's better now that we at least talk. And... I gave her some of her favourite snacks lately. smile It will take its natural course from here. Either she'll warm up to me or not.

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With Gemini females the preference is to magnetize than chase going after Starsky & cox.
Frankly M, he sounds like a lot of teenagers I know - apologies if it seems I'm making light of it, especially if odds are stacked against him. From his POV, Aries does not see that clearly into the future or past, it is about here and now plus the age thing too.
I went to college with a lot of people that didn't get it right the first time, they took offers from other colleges, they took extra classes, internships, apprenticeships or any other routes, sooner or later, everyone learns about consequences of not making the right decisions... at the right time.
Also a lot of people in college who tend to be easily swayed or appear to be followers, there is room for everyone in college I think.
One thing I learnt, college is very different from the after-college reality... some grow up before, during or after college...
If there is an element of him not doing the right course - maybe you could start with this, ask him why he wants those goals he wants? aries works better with logic, not sympathy or pointing out the mistakes they have made. You don't want anyone defensive or emotional... what does he actually enjoy doing? what else can he do? because his ego may even be holding him back from seeking help, he has to know it's ok his goals may not move in such a straight line...
I am currently dealing with a Capricorn family member with the same issue... has his own goals but get sidetracked by the need to earn money now instead of waiting till after college *Sighs* I take it you don't have any other brothers? I have 2 in their 20s who still pull the sort of thing you describe. I always somehow get pulled in to do ombundsman Sad
Everyone will not transit smoothly to the next stage of life... we tend to have the habit of pissing off other family members without trying, I don't know the cure for that .
Good luck eitherway!
Well everything is going really well with Virgo and I....we still havent made things "official" but Im assuming that it wont happen for a few months given we both appreciate our privacy and dont want our relationship talked about non-stop at work, blah blah blah.
I know Im going to get crucified for this but I am struggling though, with him picking up and dropping home this girl from work 3 or more days of the week going out of his way by a good 20 minutes when so many others live near her (she lives 5 minutes from work for goodness sake). When I asked how much longer he'd have to do this he said "she had another seizure this week (but she hasnt missed any time from and will now have to be reassessed in 3 months" I almost fell off my chair and he said "I realise that this is coming between us but Im either a bastard and let down somebody who needs help or I upset you". He said it was a pain in the butt going out of his way all the time and doesnt think he can keep doing it but the above was the clincher for me and yes again, I am sure I'll be crucified for this but he indicated he had to make a choice between her and I....WTF??? So what am I supposed to do??
Am I supposed to say "thats ok dear, just keep doing what you're doing, it doesnt bother me"??
What I want to know is how the fuck am I supposed to be happy when we do announce our relationship when people have already talked about them in a very unsavoury way and he has done nothing to remove himself from it all. I mean seriously, I understand once a week or once in a while - no dramas, absolutely none at all but almost everyday of the week? not only one way but both ways.....
He's right, it is coming between us because I do not understand as she truly doesnt need his help...there is a bus service that goes directly to work from where she lives, there are so many people who travel her way at my work....she doesnt offer to pay for fuel, she wouldnt return the favour, she drinks and parties all weekend and week nights and then expects everybody to feel sorry for her that she has epilepsy (she doesnt know yet)...drinking and smoking and taking all the antidepressants she takes is NOT conducive in solving her health issues, it only makes it all worse.
"Long-term investments" people still do that?
Sounds like you have done your homework on GE. Do you think they will cut their dividend anytime soon?
Since both of you are mutable signs you two might be into various experimental urges but not necessarily into anything distinctly heavy besides this do not know what to say. That picture shouldn't bother you that much.
Just so you know I didnt say anything to him except "do what you think is right" as I really was very busy at work and didnt want to have to deal with it. Im trying really hard not to even think about it but it is eating me alive and do you know why? because he said he had to choose between us....that was the hardest pill to swallow. Had he said he was trying to become less available to her (as he is right, it is a pain in the butt to go out of his way like that) or something less insulting? Id just put it all down to him being a serving Virgo once again but that really hit me as I felt emotionally blackmailed by the fact she needed all this help and would simply just not be able to get along without him there to taxi her around yet Id only be upset...WTF??
P-Angel I know you're gonna let loose on me so let me have it but please explain to me as to what Im meant to do, what to say and what to feel. I know he's only trying to do the "right thing" but is it?
I never even said a word so that makes me wonder wtf is going on in his head...he only JUST made us exclusive, etc....yet he has to choose?? Blah~!!!
You should give him his 2 weeks.
Oh and it sounds like someone needs to get serious with him too... how much responsibility has he been exposed to? does your mom spoil him?
The only help you can offer him is telling him about the options he has if he does NOT go to college. The idea of not going to college is bound to shake him. For him to come up to making plans or goals, then he must want to go... he just didn't realise the work involved... remember as an idealistic sign, arieses have this issue a lot, goals without details of the actual work involved. He has to know there are other options available to him... so he doesn't give up hope.
No matter what his attitude, you guys will still feel responsible of pointing out stuff to him - hence whatever happens, you've done your best by him. However, pointing out his mistakes or the obvious will definitely achieve the opposite of what your mom is trying to achieve... the teenage fragile ego can't take it not to add the aries one...
Is he really gonna go to college by himself or is he gonna have mummy stopping by ever so often to do his laundry - had guys like that in my college smile was very weird indeed!
On another random note: he doesnt apply himself so teachers are still using that line? it was actually a pretty standard line that we used to get on our report cards. lol
I am lucky I have a taurus rising and a capricorn moon so I sometimes actually appear more serious than I actually am... teachers bought that crap a LOT... hell my boss buys it Confused
If he is typical and he is young > go through many mistakes before straightening out himself.
It doesn't help > lets u and me dateWinking