Well, this is my first offical post on here, both pisces and DXPnet in general although i've revisited this site within the last 2 weeks. So i'll say a few things about myself and see wait to see happens next..
Who are you? - Well, i'm Josh, i'm 17 (a wee bit young you may think) and live in England.
EnglishFish, that means your pisces right? - That would be so (1st March) and am English (but 1/8th Scottish as well).
Why did you join? Well originally I saw the message boards were astrology based which I find interesting then saw a music section which too was interesting.
What you interested in? Music, Sports (basketball, cricket and winter sports), Food and drink, and Art all the interests.
What music you into? - All types really, mostly 60s-70s rock but I also like old school rap, jazz, metal, punk, dance, pop and world music.
I can't think of what else to say but feel free to ask me any questions if you got any.
ps - for all you astrologers/astrology folks this is my natal chart:
Sun Pisces 10.53 Ascendant Aquarius 3.14
Moon Aquarius 4.23 II Aries 5.21
Mercury Pisces 25.37 III Taurus 12.37
Venus Aquarius 14.14 IV Gemini 5.01
Mars Aquarius 9.14 V Gemini 22.28
Jupiter Virgo 9.31 R VI Cancer 9.50
Saturn Aquarius 12.53 VII Leo 3.14
Uranus Capricorn 16.55 VIII Libra 5.21
Neptune Capricorn 18.18 IX Scorpio 12.37
Pluto Scorpio 22.58 R Midheaven Sagittarius 5.01
Lilith Aquarius 4.29 XI Sagittarius 22.28
Asc node Capricorn 7.51 XII Capricorn 9.50
Signed Up:
Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
i have a capricorn friend. she is always trying to steal her best friend's bf.
a few years back, she had the chance to date him. he was reluctant so she moved on to another guy. now, her best friend is in a commited relationship with him and every time my cap friend breaks things off with her present guy, she thinks it's ok to try and put the moves on him. trying to steal him away from her best friend so she can date him. and she will do this right in front of us, knowing we do not approve of that kind of behavior.
if you confront her about it she shuts down and hides. she tries to give the excuse that they are just doing things as friends. she will literally tell me that she hasn't done anything wrong. but physically putting your hands on another girl's man is more than just doing things as friends and is completely wrong, imo. when he tells her to knock it off, she gets angry and hides some more. then, she will go and find the guy she just broke it off with and start dating him as if nothing ever happened. this has happened quite a few times in the past few years.
i was wondering why she is doing this?? i'm not understanding why she would obviously have no respect for her best friend and her best friend's man?? and how could i possibly confront this with her so she won't shut down and hide?
Signed Up:
Aug 19, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 190 · Topics: 38
im soooo flippin annoyed about being this conveluted work of art.
yes i said work of art. lol
i hate that the only stable guys who are sweet and always there are the ones i dont want. and although i care, it seriously makes my skin crawl when i think about getting close to him.
right now im with a virgo but im really contemplating my escape.
he ssuper sweet, but i have this feeling hes got marriage on the mind.
i miss my aqua.. even though he is soooo unstable and completely detached from everything.
one minute he says he loves me and wants to be with me yada yada, and the next hes gone.. dissapeared into the abyss.
its like, if the two could merge i would be the happiest girl in the world.
but i guess im still at that stage where im unconfortable in a relationship, even tho when im not in one i only crave to be in one.
i hate being a saggie sometimes.
I can see we all have a sensitivity to what P-Angel is saying but as for what she and Satori are discussing here, I have to agree 100% .
Women on this board, do not take this to heart... I realize not all women are like this... every situation is different...
Typically, from my observations many women do project an "image" in order to secure a place in a man's life. I have a few friends that are divorced after 7-15 years of marriage. Not all of them married young. When speaking with the men, it may have sounded like the most shallow crap ever, however I always got the same response...
The sex was amazing before we married and then after that ring and ceremony, it all went down the crapper. It's like she changed. She was always sexual and adventurous when we dated, with loving promises of grandeur for our entire lives in the name of marriage. The wedding was female focused, but I supported it all being about her and her day. At the end of it all... I looked forward to a passionate honeymoon and love life. Where did it go? Some of the now ex-wives even had the nerve to tell these men to get used to it because now that they were married, regular sex was unneeded or barely-existent except procreation.
Now let's be realistic here please. When a couple takes their vows, as part of it ... they agree to all that those vows encompass. Yes life and love can change over time, but one thing will always remain the same... MEN NEED SEX. Men not only do things for a woman to show them they love them, but also express love through sex... it forms the bond for them and lets them know they are appreciated. I am telling you now, if he's not getting sex on a REGULAR basis (and no, I don't mean once a month or 5 times a year), resentment will build and compound... and a man will feel unloved. I know to many women this seems selfish and disgusting behavior, but hear me out...
Women have expectations of love, emotional support, respect...
Men have expectations of sex, love and respect/appreciation for the things they do...
Signed Up:
Mar 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 38
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
If you promise/use or even withhold sex to try an control a man, you're eventually going to lose him bottom line. It may not be today or next week, but it will happen. I know this hurts a lot of your feelings. When a man gets tired of begging or jumping through hoops for that connection, he will begin looking elsewhere. This is because they have needs too. Just different ones than us women to get to that same bonding place that we value so much.
It is unfortunate in our species that monogamy and fidelity are concepts created by man/state/religion to keep order, enable benefits, bestow proper names and to give us a moral code that sets us apart from the animals. In their species there is rarely, if ever such a thing.
I know many women are now thinking, how selfishly shallow of men to think that the only thing that matters is sex!?! Reality... sex gets less passionate, sex wanes...but it does still exist and is crucially needed for a healthy relationship. Especially for men, sorry ladies...just the way it is.
Bear with me here. Let's say as a woman, you were not getting the emotional need/support from a man...would you not feel loved, appreciated and clearly taken advantage of, even if married? It is unfair of us to entitle ourselves to all the things that allow us to feel deeply loved in a relationship and yet deny equality in marriage to men simply because his basic need to express love is different from ours. A ring, wedding and vows do not entitle us to control our husbands. It's downright selfish.
Many families also have children. Women can attest it takes quite a bit to raise them and make sure they are cared for. Sometimes this makes them forget about the basic bond when they promised to love, honor and cherish at the wedding. Remember that lesson when the flight takes off from the runway? "Please ensure that your mask is securely fastened BEFORE trying to assist other passengers, including small children." Same in marriage, put your spouse first after yourself. Without nurturing that precious bond first, all else will fail and YES THIS MEANS SEX TOO.
As a woman, it's taken life's lessons and observations to realize, that in order to have the right man in your life, you can only be yourself and not what you think he wants you to be. If your sexual great, if your not great...just don't promise what you are unwilling to deliver once you have a commitment for life and above all do not use excuses to justify it.
Lastly, to address the reasons or morality behind cheating and the anger it causes... We as with any animals are not meant for monogamy. This is reality people and it sucks yes, but ignoring this factor will not make it go away. When people take vows we can only hope that each side is willing to keep their part of the commitment that allowed the marriage to happen in the first place.
When either side is denying basic rights as set forth on the day you took the vows, you are violating the contract you agreed to for the rest of your life with your spouse. Sex is not a privilege, it is a fundamental right as part of this contract that you opened your mouth in front of family and God (for some of you) and said "I do" to.
Humans are only that... human. No one in this world is perfect and regardless of religion, moral codes, expectations... Who are we to place our moral expectations on others and judge the reasons they act or do the things they do?
Marriage without sex is a sham. It's simply two roommates or friends living together acting like it's real for the benefit of doing what's socially expected and acceptable.
P-Angel. I may not always be in agreement with you and that is as it is with anyone in life. However, I do commend you for being honest, realistic and truthful in the raw way you presented your question. Sometimes reality is a slap in the face and in order to protect ourselves... we argue, judge, divert, deny and suppress. But the big white elephant is still going to be there.
Sagi and Satori... agreed I need it too to feel the emotional and loving bond. However, women should not present themselves as a overly sexual animals to bait and then switch after marriage and commitments. I believe that is the point here.
Everyone is looking for someone compatible to us in many ways. Everyone deserves to be happy!
Women and men should not be out there pretending to get what they want. It's selfish, narcissistic and embarrassing for both genders.