uh-oh, dodgy charts!

sure does!

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Men may have understood that they can't be 100% sure their kids are theirs but they sure have done everything in their power to make sure they are, and mostly to women's detriment.
Yeah, all those tens of thousands of years of prehistory, where men took pointy sticks and walked miles & miles to kill an angry elephant, while the women stayed in the village and picked berries - sheer oppression!
So much better now: Women support themselves. Nurture themselves. Pick up a man for an occasional orgasm. And see their OB when something starts smelling down below...
Yeah, freedom & modernity are sheer heaven for women!
Just. Like. FWB.
als, ignore almost all the future talling crap. cancer men talk that way without thinking. if you start to call them on it they are like what? i said that?
okay I was reading an article about the Manson Family wanting to be freed....dont they realize if the death penalty wasnt overturned all their asses would be fried by now....

And... Where's the fairness in a faithful husband being expected to raise another man's children because his wife wanted to explore her sexual freedom??
Yes, before DNA testing, men had to try & guarantee that the kids were theirs...
"not hard(he he) unless they're stubborn and/or you're timid."
It's always the young ones thinking they can really put it down.Boy, u still have milk on ya breath.lol
"I really don't beleive its his cuz he tried to get me pregnant for over a month and nothing happend! So how can she get pregnant over a one night stand? N there is nothing wrong with me i've been checked!"

Sorry to be so harsh but, your an idiot.Forget your whole way of thinking on this situation.Be thankful your not the babies mother,and run.
But why is he acting so weird? Do you thing he has any serious intentions about me or are cancer man like that? Should I give up on him, or keep trying?
I sense his intentions are serious but he's rebounding and slightly testing the waters to see what's out there for him...he was flirting with you while still in a relationship seems he may have been hesitant because of what's going on in his personal life, although it's been made known that he broke up with her around NYE, now that he's supposedly single (I say supposedly b/c it hasn't been confirmed if he's still single or back with his ex) he may want to pick up again, I would just pace myself with him, I know it's frustrating but it seems he's figuring things out for himself. I wouldn't give up but I wouldn't keep trying, just be yourself, be comfortable with your decisions, if your available then your available but if your busy then well your busy and If he's truly interested in you he will make an effort, as LK said ignore all that future talk, don't make any assumptions, lean back and watch him, watch how he pursue you because that will tell you a lot about how he feels about you, what he wants with you.
they can be cunning creatures and all with a smile on their face....lesson learnt? time for damage control smile Dont waste your time being "friends" with him. He's an ex for a reason
Lol . . ok i was just wondering, because this is all really new for me. Lol havent gone that quick

I often find myself feeling like the voice of one crying in the wilderness of popular culture, "Keep the facts straight!"
So many people seem to absorb anything & everything they see on TV or the Internet as fact, without any attempt to valid these things themselves. No interest in or capacity for independent critical analysis...
That's why there are Virgos.
Nit-pickers of the World - unite!!