Hee i Love it, that made me laugh out loud.. as you sound like me. im happy to say hi and bye and a sweet how are you to my neighbours but so annoying when people want your space. I was pretty happy with my thoughts and world watching and then the neighbour wants to know what im doing now. Then you make an exscuse and want to arrange another day grrrrrrr... I love independent people, I love friendly kind people but i hate space invaders. ONLY because when you say uour busy or going home they want to know why, when how, and they always seem offended... Im not horribe person. I just like like minded people who wont be offended if i make convo and friendship that way instead of... neighbours who seem to be waiting your every move! friendlyness doesnt have to so claustrophibic.. PS SORRY ABOUT THE SPELLING
Posted by aquarius_8i8
What the hell? You dont want to ADOPT them, you just want to say hi and be left alone with your late night cheerios

Why do we only get along with independent ppl???? I give someone only one chance and when they want to ride my hip, I cut them loose!!
This is poison to us Aquas!!! I want my apartment back. These ppl are energy suckers!!!