he is involved with someone else. if a man is feeling you, especially a leo man, he will be a constant presence in your life be it on the phone or in person. i have a lot of leo people in my life and i can assure you, someone else has his attention right now. if you can have the strength to just send him a text or call him and say to him, straightforwardly, that you understand his need for space, and in order to salvage the friendship, you will back off, and then actually back off, i gurantee, if it was something special between you two, he will come back in due time.
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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
here is a little part
Modern language sometimes does some very funny things with words and concepts that come from the pre-Christian era. For example, take the Latin word virgo. It's usually interpreted as virgin, with all its sexual implications. So that the typical Virgo portrayed in popular astrology is virginal, i.e., prudish or inhibited or sexually cool. One need only look at some well-known film personalities born under Virgo, like Sophia Loren and Jacqueline Bisset and Sean Connery, to feel a little silly about equating Virgo with a lack of sexual interest or appeal. But more of that later. Let's go back to what the word virgo once meant. It had, in fact, nothing to do with sexual virginity, but simply meant intact, self-contained. The great mythical figure that stands behind Virgo is the Great Goddess, the Magna Mater, and she was no virgin. In fact she is often portrayed in myth as the Great Harlot, the fecund one. There is a magnificent statue of the virgin goddess Artemis, one of many names for the Great Goddess, portrayed with fifty breasts to show that she represents the nurturer and giver of life to all of life. But she is virgo in the sense that she is self-possessed, her own person. In early mythology, from which we inherit the figure of the Virgin Goddess, before the Hellene invasion from the north into the agricultural civilizations of the Aegean in around 2000 B.C., the goddess did not owe her powers on her status to a divine husband as we see her in later mythology. She ruled alone, self-contained, husbandless, yet offering her femininity freely as she chose. She was the consort of all life. This is a clue to the deepest meaning of Virgo: the ultimate goal of this apparently humble sign is nothing less than the self-possessed psyche, the person who integrated within himself and can therefore give freely because he need not fear losing himself in another.
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
I wasnt feeling the relationship was going anywhere and that I was feeling like we were both slowly winding down. He had been distant lately and so had I, and that was my fault for breaking up with him before because of those same feelings. I love him deeply, but yesterday I felt trapped and felt like his being distant would never have stopped.
I don't understand - do you want a relationship with this guy? Is he your cup-o-tea?
Cos he's never gonna change who he is and you are never gonna change who you are, right?
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
Are Aqua's the type to jump in when in "whatever kind of love", inclined to do the best thing for themselves over better judgement in a relationship to further themselves? Guess you get what I mean. Are they users to progress themselves ?
Yes - I have seen this time and time again with Aquas... there's always some logical justification though... I mean it's not a always a sign thing... I've seen virgos, sagis, geminis and scorpios do this... it's all to do with personal morals I think...
And ditto on collecting people
If any of the other signs I know were to talk "location" moves etc. I would not even pay attention. I thought Aqua's distant and I do feel it at times with him but he runs back so fast I am fine. I just want to trust the sign. Got major burn from a Gemini and am really looking at the signs.
are you taking astrology a bit too seriously? If this person wanted to really mess with you, you'll let them because they're Aqua?
All aquas will not behave alike - I have known aquas that got married after dating a few weeks same as any other sign...
being born at a certain time of the year does not excuse you from standard human feelings.
hmm..i seem to be more of the giver than he, although he makes sure im satisfied. then again, i like sex, no love sex. so its always all good with my aquarius, so good, thats its very difficult put a description to it that would be accurate.
Hi all,
Im new here and I too am dating a Cappie (older man early 50s) So I read 'the older divorced cappies are more content in thier lives and career takes a 'little' back seat to romance'....Hmmm not so. I met mine 5 mos ago and we live about 1 hr from each other, have younger at home kids each and so dating is a challenge, but always manage to get together weekly... this was GREAT. He was so attentive at first, affectionate with HOT texts, passionate and called twice sometimes 3 x day, (we even kissed for hours on our first date..yup!).... fast forward last 2 weeks or so. He is between 'busy and slow' at work (he owns his own co) and his lunchtime phone calls have slowed, he always called as he was taking HIS lunch and I guess thats a control thing, we talked everynight too. Now Im calling HIM at lunch time these last few days, and our dates are slowwwwing down. Weekend drama with the exe and kids and such... Why the sudden change in tempature.. I read so many of these helpful blogs and thought I would see if I get a different answer with the older cap males. I guess they are ALL the same.. We have never discussed feelings, he is always holding my hand when we go out in public, kisses me in public and is still affectionate when we are together, but the hot texts have stopped... zipo, nada. I dont know what to do about asking him to open up to me....OK guys any ideas. Im in my late 40s btw. So not out to date alot, I want to settle down with someone and I felt he was too.... although never discussed.....
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
I think you should be blunt (and calm) and tell him that something is weird between the two of you with your friendship. With virgo guys I've known this has worked for me if something seems is a bit off.