Maybe make sure the girls night becomes a weekly thing too so that you get at least one night of space.
You're all full of shit. Street fighter is the fucking Daddy! So accept it and move on in your apparently small lives!
Yep! the Leos in my life are the same way. I've always gotten along with Leos.
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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
thanks I thouhgt so and wanted to share anything that spoke to your soul.
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Jul 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 332 · Topics: 14
First I think you need to start thinking "Me" instead of "Us" changing how you think is the first step. You end it by doing exactly what you are doing, ignoring his calls and texts it'll be hell but it has to be that way in order for YOU to have good karma.
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Mar 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 600 · Topics: 17
Not quite hon. I will run with your argument that you posed to me. I can say your inability to rationalize and practice discretion when speaking is a weakness in your character which you project on other people as a weakness in their character for not being able to take your "honesty" without getting offended.
"I don't believe that a person can honestly empathize truly with another person or situation. I can empathize with basic things like happiness, sadness, abuse, starvation, death"
Ha ha indeed. You see my dear I work in the film industry and I can attest that I can tell the difference between an actor who is faking it and another who believes honestly in the experience of that character. It's not that difficult, when you use sense memory.
You see happiness, sadness, abuse, starvation etc are all basic experiences inwhich all other human experiences extrapolate from. If you can empathize with these you can virtually empathize with anything. Hence don't lie to yourself and say that you can't.
Lastly expectations are a part of reality. Infact if we lived in a society were everything was permissible. You wouldn't be able to walk down a street by yourself without getting raped, nor would you be able to protest your opinions without getting shot. You see, everything is possible, but not everything is permissible.
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Nov 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 439 · Topics: 11
You are probably right that it might have been a bit harsh. Stuff like that just really gets my goat, I really despise drama in general. So appologies for my statement, I just want the best for whatever happens.
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
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