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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Well for those who are so negative you can think what you like.
What will be will be - Im not fighting nor pushing right now. Just enjoying the ride at the moment...if it doesnt work out I have other things in my life to keep me occupied.
It has hurt over the past month but once again, Ive taken time out to heal and to process and to do a whole lot of other things. Ive filled my life with other distractions and interests and will continue to do so.
My rose coloured glasses are off. Nobody said it would be a carriage ride into the sunset but if it is? wooooooohooooo
As I said, I have other distractions to keep me occupied. Im gonna date the guy, not expect to get married to him.....
Whip Cream please!
daysailer picnic, or moonlit gondola ride?
Step Two: a simple matter of accountability.
Remember your American history? Steinbeck's America ala 'The Grapes of Wrath'? The nineteen twenties and the mid-western dust bowls caused by the over farming of land, resulting in widespread famine as the topsoil of America's breadbasket literally was left 'blowing in the wind.'?
Well if you don't you are not alone, because America's politicians and leaders seem equally amnesiac when it comes to the bottom line cause and effect of catastrophic events. Simply put, the 'dustbowl' was caused by irresponsible and greedy farmers who continually took from their burdened soil while giving nothing back.
The cure was equally as simple, you must take care of your 'soil'. You must invest back into it, your time and your effort in order for the soil to replenish itself and to continue to produce for you.
Chief Executives, of both Wall street and Washington, are the 'dustbowl' farmers of our age.
Corporate America, has outsourced our jobs in the name of maximizing profits, while systematically dismantling our production capabilities and sending them abroad in order to escape minimal financial responsibilities at home.
Likewise the United States Government has provided umbrella protection for these very same companies allowing them to operate outside our national borders in order to maximize profits abroad for themselves. This robs the American people of revenue in both taxes and registration fees, as well as domestic jobs, and is particularly galling considering that the ability to operate autonomously internationally is afforded by military protection paid for by the very same people these business practices exclude.
We are living in an economic dustbowl. The 'topsoil' of America' has been stripped away and we are left no other option but to scatter our seeds to the ever changing political winds in a vain hope that something good will take root.
Yet,something good will take root, but it will be nothing that our current leaders, blinded by greed and power will have the slightest ability to recognize. It will be nothing that empty headed change mongers steeped in the mind numbing socialistic diatribes of the new world order, will ever see coming.
Yet history says it has come, therefore it will again. It will come from the seeds of discourse as it always has, sown with the despair of the common man into the fertile grounds of revolution, and reaped in the harvest
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Oct 03, 2008Comments: 6 · Posts: 502 · Topics: 165
idk im just mad right now
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I guess it depends on what you find attractive...
So on to accountability
1)American businesses must pay their taxes and be accountable to the very same financial scrutiny as the general public.
e.g.Exxon , pay your taxes gents, a sixty year grace is long enough.
2)American government must be accountable for its decisions which go against business who can not afford lobbyists, and who are being destroyed by a combination of Washington's unfair tarrif system and unfair foreign competition fueled by greedy politicians.
e.g.US vehicle manufacturers are some of the last holdouts to complete international outsourcing, their reward?
unfair tariffs levied in foreign markets and near non-existent government copyright protection, which allows international competition to outright steal domestic designs and then beat them over the head with cheaper labor.
In other words if Yamaha can rip off the V-twin and then impose huge import tariffs on Harley-Davidson making it impractical at best to buy one in Japan, then Japanese bikes and cars should likewise be too expensive in our own domestic market.
3)American business can not go over seas to escape US registration, licensing, insurance and labor costs, it is robbing the American people, period.
e.g. Exxon is a good one again. Their response to being found financially culpable in the Valdez incident?
Let us move to Liberia, which has zero seafaring tradition build a seaman's hall and flag our vessels with the Liberian flag, thereby robbing Americans of several more billions, while helping to destroy an entire industry(Merchant Marines).
You want to escape? Go, America at least for the moment is still semi-free in an abstract, wistfully nostalgic kind of way, please leave.
However, let Liberia protect your interests, see how much leverage you get in the Saudi oilfields, with the mighty Liberian military and booming economic power backing you. Exxon's assets would be seized and oilfield nationalized faster than they could say "there's a tiger in your tank"
American government must be accountable for the fair and equitable application of all laws and taxes.What has been unhealthy for the ganders needs to be passed on to the geese, really guys the loads getting heavy.
The United States Government and Corporate America, must learn, by legislation if necessary to be accountable, for equitable business practices as well as being held responsible to give back to the land which allows it to operate.
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Feb 06, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 662 · Topics: 22
Virgo Mom
Sag Dad
Aries Stepdad
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Over here in Australia they eat fish and prawns! Never heard of any of that before either but it's the Aussie way.
And you were right the first time, it's the celebration of the last supper when he broke the leven bread and passed it around and then the wine a symbol of his body & blood. Sunday is when he died and Monday his resurrection.
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Wots got you all mad VSOP?