Signed Up: Nov 07, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 576 · Topics: 8
August Born Virgo here!.........I'm def chill and not as fussy....I love to laugh, love to paint, love music....yeah around my friends...I am content to make jokes.......but I can also be serious when I have to be...I def do see the difference between Aug and Sept born Virgos .......the August ones are more funny, laid back, and just like to keep moving..... Sept ones more serious, quite, but cool, calm people....
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Signed Up: Feb 23, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 3
Fair enough, now what does not make sense to me is why you care? I'm not going to get into a big bash over this nonsense, but really, who is getting hurt by the op?
"My brains get fried everytime I talk to you". After I asked if that was a good thing or a bad, he said that it was both, actually that my question was a "trick question"...HAHAHAHA, love that soul!
Signed Up: Nov 08, 2006 Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Finally, not since Clay Aiken, has there been such a standout contestent and obvious winner. ADAM LAMBERT all the way!!! My second choice would be Danny Gokey. Anoop Desai as the darkhorse? if he can stay on his game and be more consistant, since he's either hot or cold. I haven't watched AI in a few, but this year looks perty interesting. =) Alexis Grace shouldn't have been voted off so soon. Too bad. But i know the judges didn't want to use up their 1-time only 'save vote' too soon. ..CHEERZZ to my top 3 & ALL AIC's! boooyah from BIG beautiful Canada!
Oh man, cancer males can be TOO stubborn, it gets to me b/c I'm equally stubborn, lol. I love them for that and at the sametime hate them for that!!! urghh....And yeh, leave him and his feelings alone....give him time to think...he'll come around...
Signed Up: Feb 18, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
The Queen is a HUMAN Being. She is not GOD. NOONE and I Mean NOONE can achieve that staus so therefore she is a person with normal reactions like me and you at the end of the day. When I mentioned hating I am speaking about the recent backlash and commentary not this board, sorry I guess I should have mentioned some. The most recent is the comments that were made about her by one political pundit stating that she is trash.
Signed Up: Feb 23, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 3
Let us not forget we only have one side of this story. We have no way of knowing just how bad the 'office' thing was. How do you know that there is not more to this than the op admits? Did she jeopardize his job with these insecurities? Did she exaggerate about the scope of his involvement, with either herself or the alleged recipient of his kindness? How do we know that the op did not create a stink in the office place and her 'boyfriend' decided that there was no way he could have a serious relationship with a woman that would seek to destroy his future in a fit of insecurity? You all are passing judgment here as if the op has dropped two stone tablets etched by the finger of God.Truth is we only know her version of it. And quite frankly for myself I find most of it suspect.