Taurus Lady Gemini Man...any experiences?Warnings?

Not normal. But I'm sure P-Angel will come in here giving her wrong ass opinnions as usual (she's obsessed with Gemini's). Depending on how old the gent is will tell me alot about him. Being a Gemini is an art, believe me. Not even all Gems can handle it. From my experience with my Taurean father. He was a true Bull. We got along great considering my Moon is in Taurus. But, we Gems need to be intellectually/mentally stimulated.....AT ALL TIMES!!!!! Sex starts in the mind with us. The key to keeping us interested is not to bore us. We bore easily. At least I do. As far as the militant thing. That may have something to do with upbringing. Or living in the "Durty" south. Self-centered? Us? You betcha! In our minds we are justified. And don't care who has something to say about it. But, with the person that we are with, we focus on them totally. Until.......
You won't find a more loyal sign in the Gemini. When we love you, we love you. When we don't, we forget about you. That simple. But, Gemini's through living have to know and correct their weaknessess. At a young age, I don't know if he can. But, you might be a bit sensitive for him, so be careful. He will RUN! Do not show jealousy Taurean. He will make you regret it. Earth and Air they say don't mix. But, I've been with a Pisces woman for 3 years now. So duh! People are attracted to what they are attracted to. If the relationship is worth it then try to make it work. And buckle up! It's going to be a wild ride. Don't smother, Bull! We need to be free like air. He will disappear from time to time. But, don't get upset by that. That's just what we do. If you let us feel free. We always will appreciate you for that. And we always return to the people that appreciates us. Always.