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For some odd reason, I expected this out of you red_aries ... I just did lol

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Posted by CapGal
Much ado about nothing. Noirecap, I so agree with you; the queen is a normal person who was humanely drawn to Michelle Obama. Put yourself in Michelle's shoe for a while....think like a human .......how would you react to an elderly woman's embrace? Isnt it natural that you'd reciprocate, regardless of protocol or culture? Come on folkes, the queen did not choose her position, neither did she make the rules, some of which I'm sure she abhors. So if she chooses to put all these aside and think and act like the human being she is for a while, and the gesture is returned, then please, let her/let them both have her moments

Well said.
If a Libra man was in a serious relationship (2 years with a girl he lives with), would he cheat?
Think that's the problem, women catch feelings too easily and that throws a curve ball at the guy still wanting to go along with sex without any complications!
Pisceans love to be appreciated and when it comes to these guys it's like my mind would be put at rest from wondering how much I'm valued. Once I get that secured sense, I tend to give my all.
Yeah, I noticed that Pisces do like to be appreciated. When I say things like "You have the best taste in movies" or "you're so sweet," I notice that it makes them ( the men especially ) want to go the extra mile or seem to become more at ease - especially since when I give praise I mean it wholeheartedly.
P-Angel is obsessed. Plain and simple.
I always have a plan ready just in case nobody else does...it's like a back up and generally only comes out when it's obvious no one has given it any thought. I'm a closet leader! lol
Posted by LibScorp2210
a gemini (june 16th)! I've been readin all sorts of crap about gemini's being fake, phony and all that .. The man was outspoken, always spoke his mind, was true to himself and his people, and a gemini lol.. and I'm using this occasion to spread some love around here ..

Big ups to you for that dude! His b-day is the same as mine. 6/16/66. WinkingPrince is a Gemini too. Just slingin that out there.
Posted by P-Angel
I agree with you Alirox ... Gemini and Pisces together is way more work than a relatinship is supposed to be. so much work that that is all it becomes and nothing left to enjoy.
On a friendship level, it's just fine .... because the Fish can just walk away when Gemini is getting self-righteous and come back later when the Twin has returned to humble.

Then why is the attraction so legendary? Must be something to it. I mean, have you been with your so-called "Match" for long periods of time? Exactly! People in this country don't want to work at/for anything. Thus, always looking for the better deal, or the easy deal. Or the easy way out. Pisces people are exactly what a Gem needs. And a Gem is exactly what a Pisces needs. I've proven the other theories wrong on so many levels.
No sarcasm here my friend. Just reminiscing.
Posted by eric11
Cappygolightly, I don't think the Queen was bothered by it as much as some Brits were about the whole thing. I think if it had been a true Faux Pas. The Monarch would have asked for a public apology from M Obama.

You said it right, it was "Other" people who seemed scathed by it. Which is why I couldn't understand the 25yr old trying to make a point for race in such a discussion that really wasn't leading to that in the first place.