Signed Up: Jan 09, 2008 Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
The Scorpio will win in the long run after wounding the soft natured crab.. (not that I intend to do such a thing as I love Cancerians) We are winners of the zodiac so we will win through sheer determination and will. Not to forget that we are also master strategists and have the ability to Heal. We will heal ourselves and it is the poor crab who will be left hurt and insecure for life. A Cancerian's 'crazy loony' nature doesnt scare us one bit. We KNOW its a defense mechanism and a WEAKNESS. Crabs also dont have quick bounce back ability like us Scorpions do. We are terribly viscious when we need to be (even though on the surface we 'show' kindness and affection). We will cut you deep. The Scorpion knows exactly what game to play with the Crab in order to destroy it ....