sex and the city

In the show:
1.Actually in the show I always thought Carrie was a Leo - especially with her spending habits and obsession with material things. The way she loves to party and be the center of attention . . . "I used to buy Vogue magazine over dinner"
2. I thought a Mr. Big was a Sag
3. Aiden a Taurus
4. Samantha a Scorpio (the entire Smith and Richard ordeal convinced me)
5. Miranda Capricorn because she could be rather stoic towards Steve
6. Charlotte A toss up between cancer and Pisces but i'm leaning towards Cancer
7. Steve : Pisces

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"yeah JD you can start with not talking like a 100 year old wise man old the time LOL "
Hehe ... Nah I'm not offended, I trust the heart behind what you say. I agree, I might have to start talking just to release. I look forward to be a hundred years old though.
So Cappies ... what are your communication habits when in a relationship?
I see where your coming from and in any other situation I would have been insulted. I have had many guys want commitment from me and I know that I am not only seen as a good time girl. I suppose I was ok with this remark because after dating a guy for the past few months who wanted commitment from me, I realized it was just not working out. I guess I was in need of a good time myself. Being viewed as the opposite of commitment was almost sexy to me. Plus, i wasnt insulted because we don't know eachother that well....if he viewed me as someone with whom to be commited to this soon, I think I would be freaked out. I know he does not think that I am only good for sex....he told me that he thinks i have many qualities that would make me a good gf. I think hes just hung up on this other girl and is looking for a good time. I think I'm okay with this. But FWB usually ends very badly, this is why im wary =/
Thanks Nihilist, yes there are some awesome ladies and gents on here. That's why I keep coming back AND it was a Scorp that got me here again and the one I'd love to contact me!
But I'm a realist and I wont hold my breathe!
What this boils down to is that you dont trust him SD and that in itself is very dangerous because you want a commitment with this guy! When you split last time, he tried it on with his ex didnt he? Has he ever cheated on any of his previous gf's? Just trying to get a handle on why you dont trust him... Whether there is grounds for it or just your own insecurity from someone else.
AND Yes it's hard to take the fact that he wants to hang with his mates who are purely out there for the chase but he needs to go down that path himself...once there I'm betting he will actually be quite bored with the whole thing and want to come back home you!
I dont think that you should guilt trip him into not going even though that may be a hard thing to except.

On the other hand you could also go out with your friends for the exact same reason as he is...he is a Libran and now he will feel how you are feeling...
Well, from what I've heard, that whole end of the world thing is not true for starters. The Mayans apparently just stopped writing the calendar there. It doesn't necessarily signal for the end of the world.
And to explain to you LibScorp, the majority of people are more concerned with the afterlife than the present life, therefore (in my good opinion) they're wasting their lives away preparing for it rather than living their current life they have now. Now what is entailed in preparing for the afterlife (for some religions) is doing good deeds, but for most theism it doesn't require a good deed beyond going to mass, praying to an omnipotent deity, and putting change in the basket, and that is to the extent that most will go. Also, most tend to be self-centered and worrying of their own plight when 2012 comes around.
To be honest I don't think we should be worried about 2012 either, whether it is true or not.
haha i got aries and i am an aries. i thought for sure id get gemini
I think those girl's going into a FWB expecting a relationship tend to be disappointed and inevitably get their hearts broken. And some (not all) of those coming in for the sex, which you don't see often, get what they didn't bargain for, a relationship.
I assume most FWB end in the latter.

You Should Be With an Earth Sign!

Your best match is a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn

Why? You like your guys to pamper, wine, and dine you

Not that you're a gold digger, you just like the finer things

An Earth Sign will go all out to woo you - and enjoy doing it

And you'll never find a more trustworthy or loyal match!
What Sign Guy Should You Date?
i love making out with cancers more than any other sign! i would never ever seriously date one though Tongue