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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
...better than FACIST.
Clearly things were better back in the day...
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
This is what I've learned about astrology...
Aries- HEAD RULED (act with the mentality of a 1-7yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-talk trash (and are the best @ it... whether joking or serious)
-(enjoy) sleep more than most
-start things they don't finish (but usually what they start is interesting to be followed up by another)
Taurus- NECK RULED (act with the mentality of an 8-14yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-immovable (mentally) without proof/reason to change their perception
-goal oriented
-procrastinator (but once in motion, cannot be taken off track)
Gemini- ARMS & HANDS RULED (act with the mentality of a 15-21yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-debaters (and refuse to be proven wrong unless your argument sides with theirs to some degree)
-detail oriented (some, but barely any see the big picture)
-barely ever on time (not because they don't care to be... there just aren't enough hours in a day for them)
Cancer- FRONT ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 22-28yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-give great advice (but never take their own, even in an identical situation to one they just gave advice on)
-go so far out of their way to help others, they forget they have themselves to take care of
-over-emotional (taking some things too seriously and other things not seriously enough)
[Think the beginning of life (youthful)... Spring/Summer]
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Leo- BACK ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 29-35yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-attention whores (whether loud or quiet... they want to be RECOGNIZED/RESPECTED for everything they do)
-entertainers (how else do they expect to get the attention? LOL)
-can't stand to listen to people talk about things they're not interested in hearing/using/doing
Virgo- INTESTINE RULED (act with the mentality of a 36-42yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-geniuses (the problem with geniuses is they lack common sense)
-believe their way is the ONLY way to do something (most times it is the BEST way... but NEVER the ONLY way)
-can tell you where you're making a mistake... but not (in a way you understand at first) how to correct it
Libra- LIVER RULED (act with the mentality of a 43-49yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-makes the best decisions (but when misinformed, the inverted takes place... hence the indecisive)
-with the age group they are associated with, they have the past to hypothesize from... and the future to determine
Scorpio- GENITAL RULED (act with the mentality of a 50-56yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-best dressed... (they're quite simple believe it or not, they're just @ $ $ holes LOL)
[Think mid-life (does the term "Over the hill" ring a bell?)... Summer/Fall]
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Sagittarius -HIPS & THIGHS RULED (act with the mentality of a 57-63yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-picky... picky... PICKY!!!
-very black & white about anything they pursue (either they do it to def, or don't get involved in the first place)
-perfectionists in the worst way (but they know what they want... however un-realistic it may be)
Capricorn- KNEE RULED (act with the mentality of a 64-70yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-workaholic (think @ $ $ hole boss)
-management MONSTER (tell everyone how/when to do everything but won't lift a finger unless absolutely necessary)
-are the exact opposite when not working (they have the potential to be the life of the party... but barely ever are)
Aquarius- SHIN/ANKLE RULED (act with the mentality of a 71-77yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-really don't give a F***
-will cuss you out for interfering with, interrupting, or taking their control over anything
-will let go of an issue before you will... LOL
Pisces- FOOT RULED (act with the mentality of a 78-84yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-overreact about anything that concerns them... and often things that concern their loved ones
-have the strangest belief system, and are more in touch with the spirit world than most would admit
-METAPHORICALLY; in a fight (
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
I think for a person to say that they are "prone" to depression is a cop-out. It dismisses the personal responsibility by implying that no matter what the person does it is the most likely outcome and therefor out of there hands.
What I do think Libra's are prone to is having to deal with not measuring up to their own expectations and it gets clouded by the fact that it is our nature to connect with other people and so we have a tendency to LET the expectations of others become our own. On top of it we believe that we are more capable than we are because we understand what our potential is our "110 % " but don't realize everyone including us realizes their potential occasionally but their probability usually.
The way I see it everyone is where they want to be because that is what their output and energy is supporting.
For most Libra's we are prone to our feelings catching up with us because most of us tend to favor intellect over emotion. I believe that my emotions are my responsibility and yours are yours. If you want to wear them on your sleeve that is your choice but I am not obligated to respect them and if I do it is a privilege or courtesy. But this repression of emotions and feelings for the sake of ideas and reasoning creates a build up and we go through periods where our spirit says enough and makes us address what we have been putting aside for a while.
Anyone Libra or otherwise who is depressed or feels like they are prone to depression needs to realize that its ok not to be perfect because perfect doesn't exist anyway. Don't be sorry for not being perfect and be proud of who you are and what you have to offer.
Everything is circumstantial....everything. Our responsibility to ourselves is to make the best of the circumstances and change what we don't like in our lives.
From my own personal experience. The thing Libras tend to avoid the most (the fight, the confrontation) is ironically where we tend to shine. If life is trying to kick your ass don't hide from it. Plant your feet and start swinging and do it with a smile. You will succeed, it's hard not to when (or believe) that you have nothing to lose.
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Mar 04, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 621 · Topics: 41
Good point Crazy4cappy....... sad that cappy men will utilize that to their advantage.
SuperCap.... I really enjoy your poetic spin. I do not think all are the same, but cappy men are cheeky little boys that play their games. Why is it that cappy men are threatened by independent women??? Strong, self-driven, self-sufficient women....... cappy men are threatened by this. It is the one sign, besides scorpio, that is threatened by it. Scorps are threatened, they admire and then want to control. But cappy men..... they are angered by it.
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Oct 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 256 · Topics: 34
Cancer- FRONT ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 22-28yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-give great advice (but never take their own, even in an identical situation to one they just gave advice on)
-go so far out of their way to help others, they forget they have themselves to take care of
-over-emotional (taking some things too seriously and other things not seriously enough)
[Think the beginning of life (youthful)... Spring/Summer]........... ;} smiles
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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 101 · Topics: 34
im an early aries and i have only one female aries friend. i was drawn to her when we were on the same course in uni, and then when we became friends i found out she was also an aries. although we're friends, we dont see each other very often now that uni is over. we got on great in uni but our personal interests are quite different- im an early aries and prefer being around boys and i suppose a little bit of a tomboy, where as she is a late aries and girlygirly into handbags and shoes lol.
most of my close guy mates are male aries...its awsome but kinda strange because they are like the male version of me