Taurus Lady Gemini Man...any experiences?Warnings?

Posted by GeminiMind
Don't smother, Bull! We need to be free like air. He will disappear from time to time. But, don't get upset by that. That's just what we do. If you let us feel free. We always will appreciate you for that. And we always return to the people that appreciates us. Always.

I pretty much agree with GeminiMind's whole post, but I think this is a very important part to remember. Maybe even the most important. I can't enumerate the number of times I've been in a promising budding relationship only to pull back because they got too clingy too fast and after one of my timeouts I came back and found the reception chilly. I've found that even if you tell people about the way you operate ahead of time, their mental knowledge of it doesn't equate with an emotional knowledge of it. When it actually happens, they're still hurt for some reason.
My absolute best friend is an Aries and she understands my need to simply fall off the face of the map from time to time. When we hook up again, it's like we never had a break. Early in our relationship we had discussions about it and she never made me feel like I had to apologize for it. It's just the way I am. She is my friend for life and I'm able to open up to her unlike most people because I know she gets it. I absolutely adore her for it. GeminiMind is definitely right in that we'll always return to the people like that.