My ode to my Gemini

It's been a long time since I've been back to this forum and read my old posting from 2006! I thought it would be nice to drop in and report in on the Gemini forum again. I just can't get enough of y'all. The funny thing is after this heartache I felt, I fell for another Gemini I am happy to report. We're coming up on our three year anniversary later this year and are doing quite well. He is probably one of the sweetest people I've ever had in my life and has redeemed my faith in love and in Geminis. One thing I've observed while being with him is how many Gemini friends and family members he has around him. I went from wondering if I had what it took to make it last with a Gemini, to completely immersing myself in a sea of Gemini friends, family members, and love-of-my life. When it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter what sign one is in a relationship as to whether it is going to last. It is a matter of if it is the right time, place for the two. (Although with Geminis, we know it's never just "two"...rather, more like 4,5,10, 20...) smile

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i starting to think virgos are true loners of tha zodiac i cant stand when too much people are around me i feel trapped and corner and i feel that i can't breath i also like my space and i hate when people invade my space i guess you can call me a lion my leo moon lol.
do other virgos feel like dis
I guess people with air and fire in their chart like 2 be free like tha wind.
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The user who posted this message has hidden it.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Team Pisces will take gemini Johnny Depp, cause he's has the charm and mystery more in keeping of a fish. Will give pisces jonny fairplay to the geminis on lease only. =) ..he's a very quick thinker and sneaky as a snake, so should entertain the twins for awhile.
Honestly he didn't know whether or not she was a virgin when he went in??
I know there kinda endangered species these days and many dudes have not had the pleasure(?) of experiencing one, but really.... it not only feels different, but looks different...I'm just saying.

I think she embarrassed him which is why this is a real issue... had this been discussed between just them it could be a different story. He's gonna break up with her, but still have sex with her.
Yes I do...I am a loner and I'm quiet. If I do go out, I have to have a drink then I'm real outgoing but always in control...and a dork..haha
I just feel like I don't want to deal with peoples bs...their unrealness I guess. I need lots of space too and don't get nosy with me; I hate that but yet I ask alot of questions of a person I'm into.
I have an aquarius moon and leo venus....bachelorette for life maybe?
I like to have fun and go out tho.....but just not all the time.
So avoiding him really is pointless for me because he's not into me anyway and was just playing games with my head?
even though there were telling signs that he was into me or could still be into me?...okay i teard up a little just thinking that he has played me for his own amusement
i'm still not going anywhere near him which is hard seeing as we both work togethre in the same department.