So, back in October of 2007 a friend had recommended I join this social networking site (not one of the big ones) and so I did and was playing around on it and made contact with this lovely Taurus girl. She was cute, whimsical, playful and was immediately taken with me.
However I live in Chicago and she lives in Sarasota, FL. Also, there is a 12 year age difference between us, so I admit that right from the start I didn't expect anything of a relationship with her, but more as just a friendly contact to chat and email with on occasion.
She, however, was very much interested in me and would constantly message me and text me - it was never annoying, I was kind of flattered and more or less played along. We would chat while I worked my boring desk job and basically keep each other company just about every day. She'd tell me how we'd end up together some day and travel and have kids and like we basically planned out our lives and everything. Meanwhile we both still dated in our respective "real lives" and I'd even give her guy advice, and joke about her "hundreds of boyfriends." So you can see it was kind of a light companionship.
Before I even realized it over a year and a half had passed and we basically know everything about each other. She had pushed me to come visit her time and time again, and every time I'd get freaked about the reality of the distance, the age gap, and practicality would always get the better of me and prevent me from taking that next step to actually see her.
Well, cut to May of this year. She finally snapped at me and told me that because I didn't take her seriously and would never visit that the whole thing was pointless. I snapped back and basically said "you're right, I'm a moron for even allowing myself to be this open with you." Then we stopped talking for at least a week. However, after the fight I suddenly found myself missing her a lot, her companionship and gentle understanding, her playful humor, and cheerful way. I missed her and realized that I had fallen for her.
So I started talking to her again but realized things had changed. She was being rather cold to me and cut off in a way. She finally told me that she was dating someone down there, and I realized that she had fallen for another guy. She says she still thinks of me a lot and cares a great deal for me, but now the timing is off.
So I feel completely at fault and moronic. (more to come)
I had a real connection to someone and before I even realized that my heart WAS involved it had already kind of burned up. I can't blame her for deciding to essentially give up on me...but now I know in my heart that I really would strive to be with her.
I have money saved and am actually in a good position financially and could make the distance work, and even move down the road if things evolved that way. So I let her know.
Now she is still distant, but keeps in contact with me with almost daily messages or texts. In a way I feel guilty for throwing all this drama at her, especially while she is dating someone new, but I feel justified in standing up for my heart, and am sick of having horrible timing in matters of the heart.
She is on vacation right now in California and I barely hear from her. She gets back on July 14th. I miss her terribly.
I am kind of at a loss of what to do. I mean I have told her how I feel, and that I would be willing to be there for her for real, and I can tell her heart is confused now with what to do, maybe she doesn't trust me. I almost feel like I'm walking on a razor's edge. Like maybe I should totally walk away and cut off contact. Or stay in touch with her and hope she comes around... the not knowing is a roller-coaster for my heart.
Anyone have any wisdom or words of advice?
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Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
wow! this is what i see.....
ppl come here for help, obviously, and they are given help..... most times, but not in this case. why is that? is it really that much more important to bicker, fight, argue and debate?
someone, anyone, can point out a fault in another person. maybe, they can point it out, but don't have the answer. if that's the case, then i can totally and completely understand. but, somehow, i really don't think that's the case here.
so, does anyone else have any suggestions on how to bridge the gap between our twins???
You still love and find us irresistable tho' ;-p
I can't do Gemini's, too two-faced and wish-washy for me. A Loyal Gemini is an oxymoron and contradiction to existence.
I believe it's a Sag males nature to be a polygamist in some form. The only girl that held my interest for a while was a Sag girl and a freaky Capricorn.