I hang out with chicks more than dudes

I always have, some guys are nervous around women, I never have been, I mean I have a lot of friends both male and female, but I prefer the to hang out with chicks (but I'm straight, I mean like seriously straight). Actually, I really am sort of a guys "guy", I play a lot of sports (rugby, baseball, etc), I have poker night once a month, I helped my bud build his garage etc, etc., but when I go out to do things I'm usually with my female friends. Actually my best friend is a girl.
Any other of you Cancer dudes like this? Yes, some people initially think I am NOT straight because of this, until they get to know me more. Whatever, it comes with the territory I guess.
I mean, I've known girls who hang out with guys more than girls, so I guess maybe I'm the male counterpart.