I just wanted to be clear that in no way do I intend on interfering with the decision virgo made. He sought me out after over a year of disconnect, and we both felt homesick for each other. When we were together, we were the best pair... totally understanding of each other, completely loyal to one another, and on the rare chance when difficulties did arise, we pulled through seamlessly.
I understand why he made the decision he did, but I was having a really tough time last night after we both expressed that our feelings never really wavered for one another. I will not become the mistress, but there is a part of me (that selfish, emotional... possessive?... part of me) that wishes he made another choice.
As far as the taurus goes, he's more than aware of how I feel. I was honest with him from day one, I was honest again with him yesterday. He's been in a similar situation once upon a time, so he understands. I don't know why he does to the extent he does, but he's elected to stay by my side, even when I told him flat-out that I wasn't sure my heart was fully with him. He chalks it up to persistence and stubbornness. Who knows.
I never want to screw anyone over, I really don't. Not virgo, not taurus. I simply had a moment last night where I wished things were different.