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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Also Leo have big egos and pride... You not texting her after you denied her sex was like adding insult to injury. I don't think you understand how insulting it is for a woman to be turned down for sex. For a guy it could hurt but not as much as it would for a woman, because it's understandable if a woman doesn't want sex... But when a man doesn't... Whew BIG insult.
But it's not completely your fault... If she's offering sex and you feel like you barely know her than that shows how little respect she has for herself. I think you see it and though you maybe interested in her you did lose a little respect for her when she offered herself. If that's the case than I suggest you do both a favor and end it right now. It wouldn't be nice to send her on a wild goose chase.
And I have an inkling that the only reason you're still interested is because she completely cut off all contact, now you feel as if you don't have a complete hold over her.
Most of the cancer girls i know love sex and are always having it and they tell me that its an addiction to them lol.. what do you guys think?
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Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
With so much death that has been reported lately of regular, everyday individuals like us, as well as celebrities (Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett) I feel awful about Steve McNair's death. Regardless of the situation that may or may not have precipitated his death; I think of what an awful way to leave this world. There is already huge speculations swirling regarding the circumstances surrounding his death, etc; however, in my opinion, regardless of what may or may not have transpired - it's horrible that a young, 36 year old man was shot to death. I read some comments from his old teammate like Eddie George, etc, and their grief was palpable.
R.I.P. Steve.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
I think your second explanation says it all. He has feelings for you but can't act on them. Perhaps his "secret" fiancee is an arranged marriage? Which would explain why he doesn't talk about it in the UK. I ran into this with three different ex boyfriends: a yemeni, a mexican, and an indian [asian indian]. In countries like that they send young men to other countries to make money to send back home and then expect them to go home after a few years and get married to a local girl; usually an arranged marriage, but sometimes not as long as she's from their country.
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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
You shouldn't play games... I don't think she is either, just living her life.
I agree with Shaks, ask her!