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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
You shouldn't play games... I don't think she is either, just living her life.
I agree with Shaks, ask her!
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Gawd...that's ruined it for me theres nothing wrong with aries..they're alright....looks as though they may be childhood sweethearts or something..she's pregnant as well..
lol i think mooneyess is hiding somethingggg would you like to give a bit of input lol?
During this long weekend I had a chance to talk to my long term friend (Gemini) and I found out his wife (Scorpio) had an affair for over a year, which accidentally came out now. She had no intention to leave her husband (my friend) and their kids (2 lovely girls - 3 and 7), saying she loves her family and wants to stay with them despite not being happy (what she clearly admitted). As you can imagine, not easy situation for my friend, who was basically left with a decision of accepting her back (mostly for kids sake) or letting her go (in that case she wants to take kids with her).
This scenario being very sad, made me think. How do you Scorpios deal with this kind of situations? Do you really stay in the relationship despite being unhappy to keep family together by all costs (and look around at the same time)? Or you just try to move on and save what possible?
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
who are the cheaters and who would steal your boyfriend/girlfriend are two different questions. By the way gems and sags aren't the ones who steal - they just borrow, and let you have them back when they're done with them. Aries are the ones who don't care if someone is in a relationship, from their perspective if they want them and they're willing to come along, then they can have them. In fact, for an aries, if they're NOT willing to come along they'll keep at it until they WIN. That is the aries motto - Me first. I win.
This of course is a generalization - I have no problem with aries' that I have no reason to compete with. The problems only start when you have something they want.
i've had a crush for a while on an aquarius guy that lives in my building about 3 years, we've never talked face to face with each other but he knows i like him, last year, around august 2008 he made an attempt to talk to me but i was to nervous and i walked away, then school started and i met his cousin (which proves to me that me and him were destined to be) by this time he had a girl that he was "talking to" so i backed down. so he breaks up with the girl and as the months pass by until now (june) we've been playing games mostly me, i think he was playing along because of me. but anyways i think i really like me and i blew it up, maybe i'm wrong but even tho it may not seem like it he made a lot of efforts to try and talk to me and i regret not talking to him when i had the chance(s). anyways my question is when you play games with aquas?, how do they react do they forgive and give you a chance?, or do they want to hurt you the worst way possible like you possibly hurt them?