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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
my mom is a 2nd decan sagittarius but she is quite the opposite of what you have described though. she is VERY controlling and very dominant (she wears the pants in my household and started the family biz all on her own). being an aries, i butted heads with her worse than anyone else (even still to this day) and she has a ridiculous amount of energy but i have so much love for her because she's a fighter and she will survive any tragedy that comes along. that said, she is very conservative and very stuck in her way...she won't listen to ANYBODY and she mouths off worse than I do (very impulsive with words. speaks first, thinks later). i love my sagi mom though
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
yes! I sometimes feel like such an idiot! I don't have a huge amount of concrete memories from childhood or college. People will be like "Remember when we all went to that restaruant and such and such a thing happened?" I have no recollection whatsoever!!!
But you're right ramfishtwins. I do forget when somebody said something I didn't like and then in turn forget when I've done the same. It can actually smooth things out in my experience, though my scorp. friend doesn't always agree...
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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
the more i speak the more i realize that Virgos are mega powerful with words even more so than Scorpios sting this why they can't fool us with they're butter but some Scorpios are cool tho another two signs that are good with words are gem and aquas they can be harsh.
I guess that's why virgos like to communicate with them.
I hope you guys respond cuz my thread might be removed again
Quote of the day
"Be Relaxed like a Lion"
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Jun 11, 2009Comments: 93 · Posts: 4144 · Topics: 109
Dy, this is awesome. I see so much of this in the Virgo who I am dating. Thanks for sharing!
I've got a cap mom too, and I'm libran. I love her and want the best for her but SHE DRIVES ME INSANE..I don't know about her sometimes lol and to make matters worse my father's a aquarius and I don't know what to say about him..just weird..Our house is chaos lol
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Apr 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1742 · Topics: 154
This is Fascinating....
Water is the one thing we are all urged to drink, and drink lots of it
Ive never heard of anyone becoming ill from it......
You live and learn i suppose....
youre gonna have to do something mas atrevido then that to get your prison wish pal
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I am proud of where I come from and I am proud of being brought up with the values, morals and faith my parents instilled. I would remain within these boundaries but still be the person I want to be. Values and beliefs do not restrict you in any way I don't think...your mindset is what restricts you.
I would want the same for my kids. I just look at the state of societies without strong family values, faith or belief and shudder.