How soon do virgo men know when she's THE ONEc

Posted by dys31
I have been visiting this board for well over 2 1/2 years and one thing has remained consistant. Your unsupportive/negative/hurtful posts P-Angel.
It is quit obvious you are here to "hurt" others not "help" them. Which you seem to go "out of your way to do". Another thing I have noticed is those around you? Have become quit skillful at "ignoring" you...I admit I "bit"today, I take onwership in this and assure you it was purly intentional. You now have "my permission" to "blast" away at me and others here on this board. Please, continue............. but note, once done, I will simply skiiipppp past them and not reply again. Oh, I will read them...and more than likely shake my head as I have done so many times while thinking, that poor "cheerless, dejected, dispirited, disconsolate, mirthless, oppressive" being.
Human=a human is a person while being humane means characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion.
Being=animate object, unable to "feel" or "empathize".

Couldn't have said it better myself.