How soon do virgo men know when she's THE ONEc

Posted by P-Angel
I don't think I'm wrong ... you have this situation with your man and a couple days later here you are inquiring about how to know when a Virgo decides to choose his woman. It may be that you said your father as reference ... but, since you found this photo of a woman on display in his room just a short while ago .... it's obvious that the reason why you asked your dad this question was for reasons stemming around your concern about the seriousness of your own relationship.

Of course the reason WHY you asked your father this question WAS BECAUSE of the photo of another woman Virgo had in his bedroom at parents house.

I have told you, everyone who actually HAS a Virgo has told you, your father has told you ...... within 3 three months, my Virgo married me. Your father knew after a few dates. Do you need it framed?

All the women in here who are "working" their Virgo, but, merely think they are waiting for him .... do so in vain.

P. Trust me you ARE wrong. Yesterday, was the anniversary of my mother's passing. My father and I were talking about her in general and he brought the subject of him and her dating. I thought I would bring it up to the bloody board. It really has NOTHING to do with the picture. Listen, when you have called me on my shit, and you got it right, I have always admitted it. But this time you are wrong. I am not bothered by the pic anymore. He explained the situation and it does not bother me. Thats the truth. I have never lied about my feelings on here, and dont plan to start now. If I was worried about his feelings for me,I would simply create a thread stating what the deal is straight out. My threads have always been pretty straight to the point and (above all) truthful.
Can I create a thread just to make conversation? Honestly, I get tired of posting about him. Lol. Sesh. Your assumptions... In this case, you are WRONG. Completely, WRONG. Do you need that framed?