I have to agree with the majority. It's NOT possible for you to be "just friends" with this guy, the feelings run way too deep on your end. I went thru the same thing with a Libra(but with NO cheating), and at the 3yr, 4yr, and 7yr marks he called me to get back into my life. I couldn't do it...until that last time then HE couldn't be just friends because his then girl was very jealous of me(a 7yr old memory of his I guess?)and so we had to part ways. I still miss him, but I know that if one day he wants to be friends he'll call again. I'd like that, but at the same time I know our "friendship" would always be something more than just normal since the "feelings" would always be there from all those years ago. I'd definitely keep those feelings in check because I'm happy with my life now. But with all the water under the bridge because your ex didn't care enough about you and cheated would make it impossible to trust him even as a friend, well at least in my Aqua Friendship Book(which has VERY strict rules)!