SupaFreak Or Superkinky?


In all the years I've known Scorp, never seen him like this. He has never cried in front of me till today. Saying how she's the only woman he ever wanted to marry. I hug him a few times. And try to reassure him saying "dont you think it's better she can came to this conclusion now instead of after being married? Which would be a whole lot more devastating"
Now, what I really wanted to say was this pain he's going through is a long time in the running. Dont get me wrong, I like Aries girl, but she was too young for him. I knew this wouldnt work out. But never said anything since it was not my place to say.
I told Scorp there's a way to potentially get her back. Or just put the end of the breakup in his ballpark. I told him though he needs to strongly think if he really wants to take the risk of experiencing this heartache again. If aries wants to reconcile.
And I said the way I am suggesting is downright cunning and manipulative. But it can be very effective.
I told him he needs to ignore her calls and text. Unless it's life or death like her or her mother. Delete her phone number from his phone so he's not tempted to call her.
Make himself busy with projects and other things. He needs to immediately start dating casually. But do not go back to Sag dancer. Here's an update on her. About a year and a half ago, she nearly overdosed. Then was court-ordered to go to rehab. Apparently she's been clean for a year now. Lost Scorp's number and has been contacting me through email to try to reach him. With the relatives in my family, relapses are prone to happen after the first year of sobriety. If a person has been sober for at least 2 to 3 years there's a less likelihood of relapse. I said ignore Sag danc completely.
(Again this is extremely shallow, but very effective if he wants aries back. ) I told him he has to find a girl more physically attractive than Aries. Since they would only be casually dating bring girl around to the old haunts and let word get back to aries of what's going on. She sees all this and she should be damn near pounding his door down. At same time I am really trying to encourage Scorp, in moving on. But its up to him in the end. He agreed and is going to follow my advice. We'll see what happens.