Posted by dragonaries
there are a lot of girls who like u and that makes me feel insecure because u flirt with them. I really care about u but it seems like ur too ashamed to introduce me or state to other girls u have a woman. They say you don't know what u got until its gone so if someday I happen to be gone, i truly hope this girls make you happy, as for me I will probably be in somebody's else arms who loves me, appreciates me and gives me all his attention.blockquote>
see i've said similiar things like this but u said it much betteri told him these things when we were together. once i told him that a woman can only take so much after that the energy goes and finally she gives up. i've told him one day i may be gone.
i guess i am afraid of losing him yet i'm afraid of holding on to something that will never progress. um i am 26 and he is 23, that is another reason i am glad we broke up, i wanted him to grow as a person without me but in the process i may lose him. i figured being apart will help us both grow and maybe one day if we reconnect, it may be better. who knows? for now i will keep in contact as friends and see if it takes us anywhere...
thanks for ur input, i am really glad for it.