Are all Taurus Like this???

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but it seems like Taurus women are nuts. My Mom is a Taurus and she is the most selfish, self-centered, greedy, annoying, pushy, hard-headed, stubborn, not-to-bright, whiney, co-dependant drama queen I have ever seen.
I'm sure some of her traits have to do with other factors of her psychoticness (she has done drugs her whole life including when she was pregnant with me)but I read somewhere that if a Taurus is unhappy that they're negative traits tend to show a little more. And this is what Im trying to get at, she is a very unhappy person, she has done nothing with her life, she has nothing, she always pushes people away from her with her prissy b1tchy attitude, so she has no friends. She is "seeing" a Gemini man who doesn't love her and constantly cheats on her, but she will do everything she possibly can to try and make him happy and to get him to love her while she spits in not only my face, but her mothers, and my brothers. She uses people out her own selfishness. She complains about everything, everything is huge deal I mean a drop of water can spill on the floor and she will cause a huge scene over it. People have done alot for her but she never wants to do anything for anyone else, and then its always someone else s fault never hers. I mean for f*cks sake when we were kids she gave up custody of us so she could marry a child molester! she is very inconsiderate and thinks of none but herself, unless she is trying to get something from someone. And if she ever does anything for you even the smallest thing, you owe her for that! at first she'll make it seem like she does it out of generosity but then later on she throws it in your face and then you suddenly owe her for that.
The biggest thing is the drama queen factor, like I said everything is a HUGE DEAL, and then when it escalates into large problems then she goes around and blames everyone else saying its their fault she does blah blah blah. That's why she has no friends cause she steps on everybody and pisses them off. Strangely enough my EX GF was exactly the same way, not everything but about 95% of those things I mentioned above apply directly to my EX too who was a Taurus. This Is why I ask are all Taurus Women like this? I know another Taurus girl I was interested in till I got the 411 that she was the same way. She likes to use people to get what she want's and pretends to be interested in them so she can, and always follows someone who can.