Fishies with Gemini Rising

Are you more Pisces or Gemini in your demaeanour?
Demeanour? Hm... I m not sure so i did some research.
Pisceans display a cool demeanour with a strong emotional side.

Gemini their chatty, intellectual demeanour;,,160750_162867,00.html

I think i am pisces demeanour by deault and only act out the gemini demeanour when im interested, interested in person or the environment or simply just want to put on my best behaviour.

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SN - I have never gone back to an ex ever. Once I am done ... I am done. I do keep in contact with some of my ex's but not to get back together with them.
Posted by FUMRedFairy_tales
it really was yes all sign of guys do this thing... but im talking about his motive which was to control which scorps love to do male or female.. the fact of the matter is scorpios do things so small u would have to have a virgo or scorpio mind to notice it... but his fuel was jealousy which is a scorpio trait no matter how nice they seem.. but he did the classic stalking they talk about scorpios.. he also use the sad story to win u over and stab u in the back.. when i think scorpios and i tell this to everyone and its true always keep one eye open bc they always ready to stab u in the back.. all sign are able to do this the diff is u can count on scorpios.. just like u can count on a sag cheating on u. i never seen a sag that didn't cheat male or female..

VKing -- BullShit!! How about your mother who wanted to get rid of you??? Your father WANTED to keep you, silly... Is that why you blame HIM? What's your mom's sign? Why would she make you believe your dad is a bad guy? If it weren't for your dad, you wouldn't have such big mouth today uttering your opinion on these boards. THINK!!!

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no he did not he not once help my mom the whole time and i do know my dad... well really im the reason y im hear when my mom was about to abort me i kick her.. my dad tryed getting her pregnate 3 times b4 me if it wasn't for my kick i would not be here.. like all small boys i wanted to be my dad.. here is another story well my dad is drug dealer and never held a real job. he was on the run by columbians. my dad lives in new york i live in flordia my mom the caring leo she is felt bad for him.. let him stay and he out well his welcome even told lies about me his own sun who at this time always loved him i was 12 @ the time thank god my mom wake up and was strong enough to see who he was.. i feel sorry for kids who have scorpio dads or wat ever sign and there moms r so blind on wat they do. trying to turn u on ur own blood... well other signs can do this to its just as bad it should never happen ur kids should be number one at all times..
Leave it to me to encounter the kind of Cancer women I want online lol

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how other people perceive us.
Are you depending on other??s opinions to how??d you look .?
Great post Scorp Chic ....I have been saying this for years now.
Of course captured image and the mirrored image is not the same, but at the end of it neither of those are you.
Posted by deemnsout4ever
Cheers mate...looks like there's been a mass exodus too...night all !! smile

Definitely, peace out bling
Posted by leokitten2
you can do this in a serious relationship too. 2.5 yrs in with my cancer and we are settled. but....when i think he might be taking me for granted (easy to do in a cohabitation).....and we are not married, just domestic partners......i just settle that by being very busy....days on end. never fails. suddenly he misses me and wants me around a lot and does something sweet. don't even need to fight or whatever....just don't be predictable and boring all the timesmile

Talk to me... once you are married to this guy..... As I don't believe for a nanosecond that this will ever happen... since you are giving yourself to him without getting you to the alter...
What you say is great.. if not friends with priviledges... however... where I sit... you are only fooling yourself... but accepting a just domestic partner... without the binding that come with marriage.
Once he finds someonelse who will not put up with his BS... He will send you his wedding picture with a note... stating how great you are.... and predicts that you will be married in a few years... Take it from me... been there done that... It hurts like heck when it happens to you.
If you are smart.. pin him down to a full fledge commitment.. or walk out pronto... You will know at that moment if he is serious/what he is really made of.. or just playing you...until that other person comes along.. and ditches you.. with ZERO remorse in doing so.

ROFLMAO....the white ppl in the audience really don't get it hahah