Why Do Aries Spy?

Posted by Austin_Schiller
Posted by i love ewe
so i know that this is gonna sound crazy but i wouldn't care if my boyfriend snooped through my stuff (email, phone, whatevs). i know every other person on earth is violently against it and i should get huffy over something like that but ummm i dont care either way and i wouldn't feel violated. maybe ill change my opinion one day?

I'm the same way.
I don't mind if people snoop through my stuff cuz I got nothing to hide. lol

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Even if you don't have anything to hide, isn't it nice sometimes to have something just for you that doesn't need to involve anyone else? Take DXP for an example...my spouse has no idea I'm on it and I tell him a lot about my life outside of him! Although I've never writen anything I wouldn't want him to see, I still like to keep my fetish (LOL) to myself.