Fishies with Gemini Rising

Huh you posted this long time ago, but I'll write my answer Big Grin
I'm Pisces, Gemini rising, Moon-Aquarius, Venus-Aries, Mars-Cancer Big Grin

Well, I think I'm quite sensitive, although I refuse to show this, but sometimes I fail Big Grin
It's really easy for me to 'fall in love' because I'm too dreamy and I have my own illusions, but this doesn't take long, only until I 'wake up' and see things clearly...On the other hand, It's really hard for me to love sb because of my Venus in Aries...I can't stand cold boys and relationships where I can't be myself...I dislike one night stands too, because I always look for sth serious / this is because I have Mo0Sa Sad ... when I'm in a longer relationship and when I really love sb, I can't stand obsessive and really jealous guys, I feel like sb is choking awful thing...also as many Gemini rising I don't like boring people and relationship and my Venus in Aries constantly seeks for some kind of excitement...I don't care if we argue everyday, everything is ok except boredom Big Grin
Also, there is one bad thing about my combination...when I feel that my partner doesn't pay attention on me, I start looking others guys etc, although I never cheat physically...
hope I helped smile

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Thank you for playing wounded, but I am so far removed from CA it's laughable. So much for the 'giving myself away' bit.
So do, DO keep on with your diatribe.

*waving* Hello StPat. smile
You're angry because you dissed a good man for what you thought was a better man and he turned out to be a creep! Don't get me wrong as I see you through myself and know that your ex and you had no livable future (for your own sanity you left) but you will be tried and tested by many and you best start opening your eyes real wide. There are so many predators out there and they parade and present themselves in many different forms!
Tbh I've found 9 out of 10 to be just like you're libra!!
Now time to work on you and so now have fun (:
Oh and have his number blocked!!!
Babe, just shut the fuck up..! its better for you..

Everyone knows by now that you are full of SHIT??_
Wineaux, you're a Fox!
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Posted by THEKingofLibra
Perfect opportunity for a threesome. Is she hot?

Hell no she is not hot at all and I'm not hating.. however, I know looks are not everything and she did seem to be a really nice person and he obviously seen something in her so who am I to judge..
Posted by dayssunny
And it takes a lot for us to keep comparing facts in this case two people. Ew well at least you know. But if you are just dating him why are you mad? Sorry I didnt follow your story from before

We hadn't made it "official" but we were already planning to be together, spending every day together, etc. he pursued me and begged me to commit and then he says he's confused out of nowhere but didn't want me out of his life. I couldn't understand what happened to make him confused all of a sudden.. I have been in that position and he should have just been honest and said that his ex was trying to get back with him and that was the cause.. Of course not though because he knew I would leave.. He chose to string me along and give me just enough hope that I would stay until he decided. I'm just mad that he wasn't honest.
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