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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Although I think this advice is universal & relates to people of ALL signs, I especially think it's important when dealing with Aquas since alot of people dealing with them often complain about how draining it is to "figure us out."
There'd be nothing to "figure out" if people would just ask. And Aquas know this. We know that we can be confusing, & even down right intimidating. BUT we won't do the work for you. If we can sense that you have something on your mind or that you want to know something, we'll sit back & wait on you to have the courage & willpower to ask us.
Who cares about whether or not we'll actually like what you had to say or the questions you had to ask. That's besides the point. We have to give credit where credit is due & respect someone for loving the aspect of communication. Hell, we damn sure WON'T hold our tongues when we want to know something, so we can only respect those who don't hold their tongues either.
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Oct 19, 2010Comments: 14 · Posts: 937 · Topics: 33
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Hugh Grant lookalike... Scary...NOT!!
Hi! I actually re-opened my account for you! Sweetie you are not alone.
What the girls above wrote was right on the money-- you will feel better over time. If I can start to heal-- you can, trust me.
This is 100% what everybody thinks after a break up. NOBODY really likes change initiated by somebody else. If you had found somebody you liked better than it may have been him posting here! (well maybe not but you get the idea).
You will feel better with two things (1) TIME and (2) Meeting another guy you like more-- or at least one who will take your mind off him.
Did you ever see "When Harry Met Sally"? Billy Crystal still had a thing for his ex wife after they broke up. So one day he and meg ryan have sex and become a sorta "thing"-- until one day-- he saw his ex wife while he was in a store with meg Ryan!!! So meg ryan sees how he is still hung up on his ex wife! So she completely detached from him. It was only then that he realized he loved meg ryan.
Time. That's all you need. Time.
((((BIG HUGS)))
nah i am just not judgemental and I know his history why he is the way he is! something your dumb miserable ass would never know! with love and patience it can be fix you wouldn't believe how many people walking around and cannot read and is married because somebody loves them regardless. I tell you one thing he makes up for it to and u know how knows they could be really just friends and that it. So you can carry your azz and stupid comment somewhere else seriously.
to elllesque sorry but no i was in the beginning stage of filing for him, he didn't even make it to the state yet I only filed the first form that is it. ellesque is there a ignore function on here I want to put cap girl on ignore they said Capricorns can be sarcastic assholes but since i do not act like that I didn't think it was true
Oh, sorry I lost my point what I am trying to say is that it is he causing this-- not you. You have to find a way to accept it. If one day he chooses to come back then it will be you who has the upper hand.
If you get the upperhand I HIGHLY suggest you find a way to keep it as this man seems to hurt you when he has it.
Good luck sweetie
The narcissist I knew-- it all feels like a distant memory. Like it never happened. I think if I saw him now I would feel so uncomfortable-- I would probably get a stomach ache.