The Power of Mass Consciouness and Living

Oi vay I could talk about this for days, but I'd have to start from a totally different perspective. So forgive me if I lose you, because I don't feel like starting on a molecular level with this right now (but I could take it that far if you REALLY want me to geek out on you). Yes I believe everything's interconnected through mutual energy. I don't really believe in matter. Its all energy when it boils down to it. So of course the consciousness is connected, its just another form of energy. People CAUSE things to happen, not just know about it before it does. They do it intentionally, and unintentionally. Any time someone puts energy into something (a great deal of thought, by itself, is energy toward a purpose) it causes a shift in the overall energy matrix and doors open, things change to make that possibility more likely to occur. When people are hateful and negative toward each other (see P-Angel), it causes a shift toward things that are dark. When they fear things, it makes those things more likely to occur. When people are loving and open, outgoing, friendly, treat others the way they want to be treated, more good exists in the world and more good things occur. I've *SEEN* this in action in such profound ways its shocking. Me and my brother and sister were kidnapped.. for 2 years, we were raised non religous. Everyone was looking for us etc (I was on Americas Most Wanted and the other one.. can't think of its name, that does that same idea) and praying we get found.. well my brother found some friend and got introduced to prayer, started praying.. I heard about it, and prayed *1* time.. and about 2 weeks later the neighbor across the stret got one of those post cards saying "Have you seen me?" With my face on it, and I was sitting in the front yard. Enough positive energy towards us being found, including coming FROM us, and we were. (this is a true story, if you want you can look it up here: do a CTLF for Holmgren, Hans, Heather, Laurel) I don't believe in coincidence.