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Posted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by ianthepiscesPosted by aPiscesPrincess
Yes we're all so moody.. sometimes I wonder how anyone puts up with any of us =/
well if people were not so fucking stupid, then we would not have to be so moody..
seriously people, get your shit together, use your common sense, and dont be such a fucking idiot..
lol Yes that's trueclick to expand
Posted by CajunspiritPosted by Sagittarius89
Hahaha you love those sags Cajun
That I do!!!
Who doesn't??click to expand
Posted by xxxLeogalxxx
I mean, be real, Gemini's are NO angels!!!! You guys can be very rude and two faced and fail to see this a the best of times!
Posted by scorpdiva
Well I have no news to report, I haven't talk to him since our last conversation and at this point I refuse to be the first one to say something. So he is ignoring me and I am doing the same but we will see I Dont want to be the bad guy nor does he probably so who knows what will happen. I need to just break things off with him but I have to build up the nerve.
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